Gonna Cruise to Lose!

Good luck!
Best of luck.

South beach is similar to dukan, look up carbohydrate addicts diet, 2 low carb meals and a 'healthy' tea, it's a slower way to lose but might be healthier for you.

Enjoy ww though for now, let us know how you get on, especially if you do it with a low carb emphasis.
Hello, sorry I haven't updated in a while I needed a bit of headspace if I'm honest! To give an update WW failed MISERABLY - I knew it would - in 20 odd years I've never been able to control my carbs and I have no idea why I thought I'd be able to this time. Soooo, I went onto Amazon and bought the Carb Addicts Diet & The Carb Addicts Lifespan Plan (the latter arrived today).

My hypnotherapy sessions got cancelled and I have to say I had a bit of a meltdown on the phone to the therapist. Because the sessions needed to be done on three consecutive weeks it means she can't fit me in again until the end of Feb for the virtual gastric band. However, I went today for a one off session of CBT and live screening blood test. I've got a lot of reading to do on eating for my blood type - interestingly my blood type from the screening is A and this is the reading on it - Eat Right For Your Type :: What Makes a 'Type A' an Individual? It says blood type As shouldn't eat too much protein which could have been why I felt soo completely ill at the back end of last week.

I have the hypnotherapy in a couple of weeks time and in the meantime so much of the CBT made sense to me I'm going to start making small changes in my diet, start cutting down those refined carbs by getting rid of chocolate, crisps, rice and pasta. I'm also going to read my Carb Addicts book (which was just 1p new on Amazon in case anyone is interested) and the plan is to lose a few more pounds before I get to the hynotherapy.

If anyone is interested in the hypno band procedure here is a link - World's No.1 gastric band hypnotherapy. The Hypno-Band TM is the original and genuine complete Gastric Band Hypnotherapy system in the UK,Ireland,Jersey,Isle of Man,Tenerife,Lanzarote,Spain,Mallorca,Portugal,Australia,Canada,USA,South Africa,New Zeal I can't voucher for it (obviously) but I'm at the stage where I feel this is my final effort before I go for the "real thing".
blimey im A blood group ......
me too... does anyone believe that cr*p?!
tbh not at all Jo :) read a little about blood type diets in the past and was sufficiently disuaded :)..... there's no scientific backing whatsoever xxx
No idea what blood type I am, and no I dont believe it determines what you should put in your gob.

CAD is a difficult diets to stay in control on, as you can have carbs for tea, and so no ketosis. But it does allow some nice freedom, cuts the feelings of resentment as you can have a little of what you want.
the blood type diet has worked tremendously well for a colleague!
Im rhesus neg
Blood type O individuals are hunters and meat eaters.

You need to emphasize high protein foods, especially deep ocean fish and sea vegetables such as kelp; organically raised poultry (chicken and turkey); lean, organically raised red meat, especially liver and wild game (deer, elk, etc.). In addition you need to consume large amounts of fresh, organically raised vegetables, especially broccoli, kale, and spinach and their juices as well as lesser amounts of fresh, organically raised fruits and their juices. You should avoid most grains and things made with them, especially wheat and corn. You should also eliminate kidney and navy beans, lentils, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, and mustard greens.
does rhesus count towards the blood type diet?

thus a A+ person would eat differently to a A- person?

haven't seen any rhesus blood type specific diets ??
tbh not at all Jo :) read a little about blood type diets in the past and was sufficiently disuaded :)..... there's no scientific backing whatsoever xxx

Isn't that what I said? Total codswallop! ;)