Step2 810kcal Goodbye 1 stone :-)

Concerning myself now that this time next week I'll be done, I'll be at my goal.

It is what I wanted after all, however I'm so happy with my current eating regime and don't particularly relish the thought of having to make the wise choices that will be required for maintenance! I know it is for life an all that, and what I like about having done the Cambridge for 10 weeks was that it was a sort of detox. It's put me back to square one foodwise, it's a blank canvas. I've had no sweets or crisps, and am actually thinking that I may even carry this on as it really was no sweat. I knew I could eat them at any time, in fact I knew I could eat anything I wanted at any time, but chose not to, a good basis for maintenance I suppose. I live in a rural area so at least convenience foods aren't too handy like take-aways and things like that.

Anyway, less than 3 pounds to go now, that's only like a litre and a bit of water really. I'm not skinny, I have wobbly bits still, but it's controlable wobble which I'm sure a bit of exercise will sort out. My joints feel great now, my poor knees were really under pressure and painful, not surprised as that's 3 stone less weight bearing down on them. So, phew, nearly there, but 'gosh' nearly at the start of the hard part ...... eek!
Gosh it will be strange adjusting again, but like you say- what better way to start than a blank canvas!

I've got 7lbs left until my goal. Mine has completely plateaued! Lost 2lbs in two weeks- driving me absolutely nuts but least I'm not putting on! Grrrr.

What step are you on at the moment? I presume you'll just work up the steps and it won't feel so strange eating?

Size 12 is fab- well done!
You're nearly there too DaisyD. Gosh that's hard to plateau, but actually 2 pounds in 2 weeks is still good, I do have a couple of days run sometimes where nothing happens, then boom off a load comes, not sure how, but I suspect it could be to do with my age old scales lol Just as long as you keep going! Which step are you doing?

I've been on Step 2 since the beginning, so have been planning, cooking and eating meals all along which I think will make going up the steps easier as it's just a case of adding an extra meal and new foods. I've not been tempted at all in 10 weeks to so much as nibble on stuff, I've baked cakes and all sorts and it hasn't tempted me in the slightest but today I dug the breadmaker out and made some spicy fruit bread. Couldn't resist when it was cooked and warm, so I've had a bit, gone and broken my 100% no cheating record, but hey ho! It was good and I enjoyed a few mouthfulls, but found that I stopped myself from eating a full chunky slice or even the full load which I may have done one time over. I'm looking at it as a taster for what maintenance is going to feel like, nothing off bounds as such but just in moderation!

So Step 3 as of next Sunday for me, 1000 cals
So tonight, after feeling like utter rubbish I had a "cheat meal"... To try and kick start my metabolism. Had a pollo panchetta salad from pizza express with goats cheese. I didn't eat he dough sticks with it but estimate it was about 400-600 cals. With my Cambridge bits that's in excess of 1000 cals today. Let's hope this helps.

Back 100% on ss+ tomorrow. Wednesday are good days for me to start anyway. I will weigh myself tomorrow but imagine it will be a small gain!

Intend to now do SS+ for 2.5 weeks, then 810, then 1000 for 4 weeks each one.

I'm not sure I could have resisted either. Fruit bread is AMAZING. Let alone home cooked one! Bet it was delicious! Can't believe how well you've done working up them so well x
Hope you didn't get a gain Daisy, but if you did it's OK, you know it'll come off again :)
Hope it's going well Pops78 :)

Well I can't believe that when I started my blog, I had lost a stone ............ and now it's nearly 3 stones! Seems like 2 minutes.

And so now I only have 1 pound to go to get to my original goal. I'm more than happy to stay the weight I am at the moment really though, but I have a big holiday coming up which is all inclusive, so I think I need to build up a sort of buffer zone for that, so I've moved my goal posts slightly to make my goal 11 stone i.e. a further 6 pounds which I aim to take 7 weeks to lose on steps 3, 4 and 5
All good thank you. Lost 4kg over the last 2 weeks. Having a break in a few weeks and will be straight back on it after my weekend away

Well done on your loss x
Wow, three stone!! Well done! If I lose 2 stone that's my exact goal weight, and gives me a 2lb "life" buffer...(Think all of us must think similar things haha). I'm wondering if I lost a further 2lbs beyond the goal then it would give me a 4lb buffer without me hopefully having to see a number I don't want to see!

Quite the contrary! After losing 2lbs in 3 weeks I lost THREE POUNDS this week. I am thrilled/ amazed! To say I'm within half a stone of a weight I never dreamed I'd be, ever is amazing!

What's your blog? Is it just a personal one?

Well done again x
OOOOOMMMMMMMGGGGG I did it! My BMI today is 22.9. It took less than 12 weeks to lose almost 3 stone on Cambridge Step 2, I can't praise this plan enough and for what it's done to both my body and my mind. I know any diet or plan works if you give it your all, and I am a bit OCD in that respect, I've never done SW or WW but sure would have done it and stuck it 100% but this short sharp loss is what I wanted and so did it this way. I hear it's an expensive weight loss route, but I don't think it was too bad. I had 3 milkshakes a day plus a meal, the shakes were £2 each i.e. £42 a week which is what I would have spent on healthy foods and all the books and membership costs that go with SW and WW. But it's done now, done and dusted.

HOWEVER, this is the hard part now, the bit that although I was looking forward to it was also dreading at the same time. It's about making the right choices from now on, the choices were made for me on Cambridge.

So this is my day 2 on the next step of Cambridge, step 3 which is 1000 cals a day, using 2 shakes and the other 700 cals from food. I've had weetabix for breakfast and chose not to put sweetener on it which I've always done, it tasted lovely and made me realise that weetabix doesn't have to be sweet, it didn't ever need to sugar on it! lol Not saying I won't ever eat sweets again, but really it's not necessary is it!! ha ha

Well done Pops and Daisy, you'll be at goal before you know it!! :)
22.9! Amazing. You've done so well!!

I too have started eating. I've added some protein and fat into the diet. Still having three a day but added more cottage cheese/ soft cheese and meat in. Scared of carb!!

Like you said. I'm in love with the diet. Love the foods, the convenience, the results! Don't get me wrong some days are hard but you have them when you are eating rubbish and it's transformed my health and my mind.

Aim to maintain this weight now. Going to be SO careful. Like you my minds changed- don't want to foods that made me where I was before I started.

We can do this together!! Well done again xxx
Maintenance is a toughie. I stopped the shakes a couple of weeks ago and went onto around 1200 cals a day. I was strict at first, weighing absolutely everything but now just eat what I like really, within reason. I still drink my 2 or 3 litres of water a day, and my portion sizes are relatively small I think. I'm conscious about what I eat, and snacking has taken place although kept to a minimum, snacking being a tub of cottage cheese of low fat natural yogurt, although I have had a few blips which I have later regretted in terms of sweet stuff. When I've eaten chocolate I tell myself it's not very nice really and in truth it wasn't that nice really, probably because it was cooking chocolate so tasted quite plastic-like which is probably a good thing really. I had a taste of a fruit winder today and that was just like plastic too. I've had loads of veg, the main change being from that is the change of bowel habits! Chicken is a super food that I never used to eat much of, but now eat lots. I log my daily foods into the my fitness pal app so I can see roughly how much carb I'm eating, which is a lot less than I thought most days. Still haven't had bread though yet.

I do think I could continue like this for life anyway! I really don't fancy anything fried or a take away or any of that type of food.

Anyway, the scales have been kind, considering! I had fully intended to go up through all the steps, and am not really sure at what point I decided not to, but hey ho. I've lost weight, not a lot but at least I haven't put any on. I'm in size 10 jeans now with no muffin overhang, but I think that is the shops being generous with their sizing. I have a waist which is quite nice too. I reallly hope to be able to read through this in 6 months time and still be a 10/12 eek.

So, onwards with maintenance and self discipline!!


I hope it's all going well for you Daisy :)

How are you getting on Pops?

Hey. Came on here as I'm having just an absolute nightmare. Put on four pounds (the last time I checked) as I can't work out what to do with myself. Found a trigger food and now I can't stop: peanut butter. Got loads and loads of Cambridge bits but debating doing atkins for a couple of weeks and seeing how that is and shocking myself back with Cambridge. Not good for my body but just not getting back on track at the moment and bingeing which will just make me put it ALL on

I've not eaten any bread/ chocolate/ anything too bad but I reckon half a jar of peanut butter in one day at my worst!

Sorry. Complete panic stations here!! Don't what to do for the best really. Just so scared of putting it all back on and not getting back in the mind frame!

Well done on the size ten!! Xxx
Had 4 days off the plan as I went to Spain. Back on it today, not struggled though. Tomorrow could be a different story!!!
Well a month has gone on maintaining and I'm the same weight, can't quite believe it as I just eat normally now! The weight has fluctuated greatly over the month mind and I did think I was losing it a few times, but I just get back on track the next day. I've bought some lovely size 10's now and got rid of all my big clothes so I've no option to stick at this weight forever lol I get some lovely flattering comments, even been called skinny (which I'm not) ha ha Certainly not going back to my old weight that's for sure anyway. Don't want to go back to Cambridge either if I can help it.

Well done on keeping off the chocolate Daisy and anything bad, I'm sure peanut butter will have some goodness in it though! Did you give Atkins a go? I think this is all about being aware of what you are consuming anyway, so at least being aware of your peanut butter consumption is a good thing, it's when eating a packet of biscuits without realising you've done it is when dieting becomes a bad thing :-/ I keep bingeing on cottage cheese and yoghurts at the moment, but I eat that much of them that my belly hurts and I eventually stop.

Hope you enjoyed Spain Pops and you got back into it OK
Hi. Glad all is going ok for you. Spain was lovely, I ate sensible and had a few drinks but managed to lose 0.5kg!!! Took me a few day to get back on it but I'm there now. Selling all my big clothes in EBay to make room to buy smaller ones!!!! Such a good feeling. Keep me updated on your journey xx
Hi guys.

I tried dukan- I tortured myself looking at the sugar content in Cambridge and stopped but it made me put on. Friday I was 5lbs heavier. I'm going to do 810 starting to obviously go up steps as I am a glutton.

Well done on your maintaining- that's fab! What are you eating to do it?

Skinny Minnie you must be! X