Tales & drunks!
You sound really good honey
Hi Chelle,
Congrats' on getting a job!!! and you sound so together which is the main thing...I have no doubt you will get there.
Will we be seeing you on the X factor?
Love Mini xxx
You sound really good honey
Hiya DQ & Mini!
*Big hugs!*
How are u both?!!!!!!!!!
I'm fine really, the choice to stop ssing was kinda taken out my hands anyway as my debts were mounting up and as I was messing about, I had to prioritise. I still have 6 weeks worth of packs which I think I will use in the New Yr, but for now I'm comfortable maintaining. I can't tell u how great it is not to keep stressing over food!!! I realised that the more I stressed and told myself "I'll start tomorrow" the more I binged and then the whole binge & purge cycle began.
My tastes have changed completely - I find cheshire cheese too salty (it was a big weakness for me pre-CD), milk is too creamy - it's black coffee all the way! and best of all I no longer crave carbs - I still watch what I eat with the view of "everything in moderation" but I'm loving joining in!!
Before I forget - I have to tell u what happened recently!
I borrowed a friends skirt thinking it was a 14, and didn't realise it was a 12 - and I tried it on and it was mega tight - but a 12! It looked awful, but still a size 12! hahaha! I have no doubt it was a big 12 as some 14s are tight on me, but hey, the label said 12! LOL!!!
Also, last Saturday was my Hubbys works do, which ended bang on 12, so as we'd not been out for a while we decided to catch up with friends in town as they were already out. Now some of these friends we'd not seen for at least a year. Anyway, I wore a black strapless lace up back corset & wide leg baclk trousers - and u should have seen their faces when they saw me!!!!!!!!! The lads kept coming over to me and we're like"omg, where've u disappeared too!!" I was driving so wasn't drinking, and as the night went on they were all getting drunk - hubby included. Home time came, and as we were saying our goodbyes, a guy took hubby to one side and in did a "i'm -drunk-so-have-no-volume-control" stage whisper and said to him "u're Mrs is looking well sexy, u're a lucky bar-steward!" (censored!!)

LOL Hubby turned round and said, "yeh I know I am, but she's always been sexy" - how sweet!!!!!!!!!
Kinda long winded - but u get the idea!!!!
Hope u're both ok!
Much love, chelle xx