Hey Becca, you ready with your game face hon? I am in the zone!
Well done you for going... X
Oooh can I join in too, ladiesQuick background, Im Erika, Im 34, single mum to Jack, who's 9. Spent alot of time posting on here in 2010 under a different username, lost 2 stone, plateaued, lost my mojo, and stopped trying. Have quit smoking and piled 2 stone back on
so! New year, new user name, back on it big time!! Being a bridesmaid at my bro's wedding in October, and dont want to be the fat one (the other 2 girls are skinny and gorgeous :/)
Afternoon Ladies
Well day 2 going well thanks to the support I'm getting on this thread.
Had 2 crumpets with low sugar marmalade for breakfast
A ham salad sandwich for lunch with no butter
Been hospital visiting this afternoon
Just cut my BNS chips and Bills normal chips to go with some haddock for dinner when we get back from evening visiting.
Also stewed some apples to have with a fat free yogurt as a snack before we go
Where are all these long posts we've got used to Becca? Are you back in work yet?
Missing our long natters ;-). Hope you are ok
Speak tomorrow my lovely shrinking friends
Luv Ang x