That was Baxters French onion soup ...... Not batters ;-)
How many pp is that? I love French onion soup not had it for ages!
Sorry Mrs S I do the old points system so can't tell you the pp It's only 1 pt for the full tin on discovery points so don't think it'll be too bad on pp Luv Ang xx
Well I picked my dressI love it. Lol
Also got bridesmaid and flower girls dresses too
Diet not so good today tho. Started off well but went out for lunch.
I've eaten all my points today! But I'm
About to go for a walk now & brave the cold! Wanted to go to the gym but my boyfriend has decided he wants to come with me so we're going to have a walkxx
Well I picked my dressI love it. Lol
Also got bridesmaid and flower girls dresses too
Diet not so good today tho. Started off well but went out for lunch.
That's sweet that he wants to go a walk with you though! Nice that he's supportive xxx
Knew you'd find somethingI went out for lunch today too but have skipped tea tonight! I might have some fruit later on after I've had a walk! X
Claire what date is your wedding if you dont mind me asking?
Nikki my bf is the same, bought us both bikes as an extra to Christmas so we can go out bike rides together and he normally does no exercise at all.
It's the 14th July