Grumpy as.....


5:2 lover
Just convinced hubby to let me get on the scales, so after a freezing trip out to the car I got on they say I've only lost 100g which is bloody pointless!!!! I'm starting to wonder am I actually eating enough, I'm on between 1200 & 1300 calories most days and probably no more than 20g of fat in a whole day. Tablets don't appear to have made any difference whatsoever.

Sorry just on a downer, I still have 48 hours til proper weigh in so I just have to hope it shows then....
Maybe your cal level is too low.. I think it was bunny that said start your cals higher so that when you level off you have some where to drop down too.. And as I had a long way to go! I started at 1800-2000 a day ( wasn't working at that level lol) and when I dropped to 1500-1800 (mainly up nearer the 1800) I started loosing, slowly.. Add my Zumba class I started loosing 600g a week.., now am doing better at sticking to 1500 cals, but can't exercise!!!

I have been "trying" to stick to 1500 cals a day.. Fat content 25g - 45g but I am aiming for 500g min loss a week.. At the mo with only house work for exercise I am loosing 400g a week..
Or try the "biggest looser" last minute work out! Drink more water to loose more water! Spend hours on the loo.. Um..
I rarely eat over 1000 cals
A day and that includes snacks i have tried but jus feel pukey if ido
Only way i can average around 1500 is by being bad

Sent from my iPhone so excuse the typos
If I ate only 1000cals a day I would be so hungry! I got to be over weight by eating way toooooo much everyday.. So to be eating at the level I am now is a big achievement for me.
Keep at it hun, Know what its like to have a big loss first week and then not a lot the next, but little and often is better than nothing at all. and stop weighing yourself before you should!! :p x
Thanks girls! Was feeling better & have just cocked up for the first time & eaten about 18g of fat in a meal due to bloody misleading nutrition info on flavoured noodles - am so cross!!!!
ive just had 17g for dinner, thought making a curry sauce fro scratch would be "healthier" than a shop bought one. WRONG, Coconut milk amount was 7g alone! whooopsy.
you can get ultimate "low fat" coconut milk in aisan supermarkets, I get it it is only 3g fat :) x
I cant have those tho Lexie as they have Milk and Citrus products in which i am intollerant to :( shame as it would make it so much easier. The only one ive found I can have is a Sharwoods Bhuna one but thats just a little too hot for me, Im a korma kinda girl lol.
yeh hun thats what I have to do, Im a bit of a curry wuss lol.
i usually use the pataks paste... but its higher in fat than allowed... 20g per 100g... but since you only use a really small amount would anyone chance it??

on ww a veg curry made with the paste is only 2pp per serving...
I have posted a fat free curry recipe in the swimming world section if that help x