Guenevere's Refeed Diary

hi, been reading your diary, dont worry im sure everything will be o.k, stay positive, you seem to be really eating all the right things, i worry over putting all the weight back, but you have done great to lose the weight you have already im sure you will keep losing if you keep on eating what you are now. id of been in hell making them cakes, id of eaten them all, lol.

good luck at chemist x x
Day 9

Bake sale was a success...sold out, and it was really funny, people would buy something, say a white chocolate brownie, or a mud pie, and be back again 5 mins later for one of the same, and I asked why they wouldn't try something else they all said "I might not like it as much" about whatever cake they had bought. The best of all was that I genuinely wasn't tempted, I was busy chatting and making change. €100 profit to send dentists to the 3rd world!

I had my usual Maintenance Bar for breakfast, kinda rushed, but I still had time for a small cup of tea with skimmed milk. (210 cals)

Lunch was eaten standing up as I worked on the cake stall, and was 250ml of my homemade soup and a smaller slice than yesterday of my homemade granary bread (65 g instead of 100g) (320 cals)

Was really hungry when I got home, but it's normal and right to be hungry 5 hours after last eating isn't it? I don't know how often I let myself get actually hungry before LT.

I made dinner, and I didn't make a separate dinner for Paul, I can't keep doing it, and I can't see myself going onto what he eats for quite a while, if ever. I just amn't really comfortable eating meat anymore, and he eats way more carbs and fat than I could handle, but he's 8" taller and has a faster metabolism. Either way, he was ok with it.

I had a 100g potato, 1 Quorn sausage, 50g frozen carrotts, 50g frozen peas, and 50g broccoli, Paul had double that. (180 calories)
Only 180 cals! isn't that amazingly little, it was a big (side) plate of food. Using side plates for meals really works! You feel like you're getting loads!

So that's me until now! that 720, I just got given a cup of tea with skimmed!

I'm going out tonight, Hallowe'en fancy dress party, it's another fund raiser, same as the cake sale. It's raining, and I don't really feel like it, but I have to cos we don't get the deposit on the room back if we don't have over 70 people, and I'm on the committee. I'm wearing my Star Trek Next Generation Unifrom, like Data, Lieutenant Commander in gold.
I'm planning to just have a diet coke or two and leave early cos I have a 9am start tomorrow.
BUT...that does mean I will be up for quite a few more hours, so I'm probably going to have a WW Toffee yoghurt, an apple and 100g of grapes. My plan is to eat the yoghurt now, bring the apple in my bag in case I get tempted walking past the chipper, and eat the grapes before I go to bed if I feel I need them.

That'll be another 160 a grand and final total of 870cals, which is what I'm aiming for anyway.

Oh...I forgot, I went to the pharmacist today. I'm up 3lbs on their scales. I was a bit upset, but the pharmacist said she expected it, and she believes me that I wasn't over eating. I'm to write out my food diary for the next week, and not worry unless I'm still gaining the week after next. My pharmacist was also very nice, she had given me 5 extra TFR sachets for free, for me to keep in strategic places so I never got stuck, and I returned them this week, with 2 I had left over to change for Maintenance bars. But she changed all 7 to Maintenance bars for me!!!

Love Guen
Hi Guen, keep up the good work!
Hi Guen, Your diary seems fine to me. Try not stress too much about the couple of pounds, its bound to happen. Your body needs to readjust. Just one thing know what it is before I say it....Exercise!! It really does help. I am back on normal food now over 3 months and continue to lose a bit every week, I swear its the gym!! By the way, those cakes sounds yummy..well done!!
Thanks guys, what are you eating each day thistime08? About how many calories? I intend on starting my exercise programme tomorrow. This week has been crazy, but I will find the time.

I have a plan of sorts, and opinions would be very welcome. My plan is to start my exercise plan and to keep my daily calorie intake between 800 and 900 until the first week when I don't have a gain, which will hopefully be Wednesday week, and then add 100 calories a day for a week, so Wk 4 I'll eat below 1000, Wk 5 below 1100, Wk 6 below 1200 etc until I reach about 1800 calories per day, or start to gain, whichever comes first, and then monitor calories at that level indefinitely. I intend to adhere strictly to these calories, no food I don't know the calories of, and I won't be eating out until the 29th of Novemeber, and I can eat something very healthy then. What dya's think?

Today my intake was as follows:
Breakfast: Maintenance bar, tea with skimmed milk (210 cals)
Lunch: Homemade soup and brown bread. 250 ml water. (315 cals)
Dinner: Quorn steak (was ok but sausage yesterday was nicer), 100g boiled potato ( I never tasted potato before LT, all I ever tasted was butter, I ADORE the taste of potato, it's devine), 75g frozen peas and 500ml water. (213 calories)
Evening:Tub of low fat custard and 100g of grapes.(165 calories)

My grand total is about 903 today, fairly ok.

Love Guen
Day 11

Hey guys,

hope you're all having a good weekend!

I went shopping today, not for anything exciting, just basics that I don't have since I lost the weight. I got a pair of winnie the poo pjs with long sleeves, 6 long sleeved tops, three polo neck jumpers/tops, tights, gloves, a coat, and a pair of boots. I wasn't in the mood for any more shopping as my left tonsil is really swollen and I was kind of cranky and stressed.

Got an iphone 3G too, but I'm being a sweet gf and giving it to my bf until the iphone 3G is unlocked, and he can unlock the one I bought him on the internet for use on any network!

Breakfast: Maintenance Bar and cup of tea with skimmed milk. (210 cals)
250mls of water while out.
Lunch: 1 slice wholewheat bread, 1/2 slice ham, 15g onion, 1 tablespoon extra light mayo, 100ml homemade soup (213 cals)
500ml M&S flavoured sparkling water. (20 cals)
Dinner: 250ml M&S Spicy red lentil soup, and a very large salad and two cups of tea with skimmed milk and half a tin of diet coke. (232 cals)
Evening: 50g of raspberries, pot of low fat custard AND a M&S count on us... lemon mousse, felt vaguely sick after it!! (220 calories)

Total calories for today: 895
Love Guen
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Day 12.

I can't believe I've only been eating for 12 days, feels like FOREVER!

Breakfast: Maintenance Bar and 2 cups of tea with skimmed milk (220 calories)
Lunch: A tiny bit of M&S reduced fat hommous, crudites, 1/2 a small pitta bread, a Danone Activia low fat yoghurt, 500ml M&S flavoured sparkling water, and a cup of tea with skimmed milk (240 calories)
Dinner: Amazingly gorgeous homemade chicken stew and 500ml M&S flavoured water (281 calories)

Evening: Tub of low fat custard, 50g grapes and a cup of tea with skimmed milk (145 calories)

Total calories for today: 886

Love Guen
Hi Guen, really enjoying your diary. Keep it up. You asked about what I am eating, and my calorie intake. I actually don't have a clue about t he calories, am trying to stick to low GI and that seems to be working for me.

A typical day would be: Granola (fruit & wheat free) or organic oat flakes with skimmed milk

Lunch: Mixed salad of King Prawns/Ham/Turkey, lettuce, tomato, onion, cucumber. Handful of grapes.

Mid Afternoon: 2 x Nairns Ginger Oatcakes or an apple

Dinner: Either a chicken fillet or plain fish fillet cooked in foil wtih sea salt and black pepper, dash of balsamic vinegar or lemon juice. Roasted veggies or Mixed Salad. Sometimes 2 or 3 baby potatoes or a wholemeal pitta bread(small)

Snack: ww yoghurt or Sugar free Jelly or 2 ginger oatcakes with black coffee.

I have had the odd treat too, but try limit it to once a week, maybe a fun size bar or a scoop of frozen yoghurt but to be honest I can take it or leave it.

Hope this helps.
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Hey thistime08,
that's really impressive control you have over your food. I bought the WW Jelly crystals today on a whim, might try them today or tomorrow.
A fun size bar or scoop of frozen yoghurt is your treat after three months?? WOW! Talk about not slipping back into bad habits! I hope I can do as well as you! I don't particularly want the treats I used to have, like chocolate, crisps, chips etc, but I find it hard to limit my intake of 'nice' things like low fat yoghurts, custard, fruit, jelly, mousse, or WW biscuits (which I also bought today but remain unopened for the moment). I'm frightened that it will start with a low fat custard, and end with me drowning in a bathtub of chocolate!
You've done amazingly! You should be so proud of yourself!

Love Guen
Thanks Guen, you know its Fear rather than good self discipline thats keeping me going. I would hate to put the weight back on. Sometimes my hand might hover over something nice and my brain kicks in...Do you really want that now?? Usually the answer is no, its not worth it. Whereas pre LT, the question never even entered my mind. It was scoffed before it registered with my brain. Your new avatar is great by the way. You are doing really well, don't get disheartened, your weight will stabalise for sure. Well done again.xx
Day 13

Hey everyone, back to the grind today after a nice weekend!

Breakfast was a Maintenance Bar, and a cup of tea with skimmed milk. (210 calories)

Had a tough morning, patient was a bit cranky about the system in the dental hospital, and there was a timetabling dispute within my clinical group, and I got what I wanted, but the other half of the group are pretty annoyed!!
I grabbed an apple before my lunch time lecture!!! (50 calories)

Came home and had lunch. Chicken stew, 100g cucumber, 30g red pepper, 500ml M&S flavoured water, and a cup of tea with skimmed milk. (311 calories)

Dinner was 115g wild salmon, 100g miniature potatoes, 75g frozen peas!! (280 calories)

I had a tough evening too, I felt like eating everything around me! I settled for 100g of grapes, and a WW jelly. (75 calories)

Total calories today is 926 calories!!! Bit high, but I could have been a lot worse!!!!

Love Guen
Hey Guen you're going great guns girl, love reading your food diary, keep it up! I've just started a new week after weighing in today for second time and reached my 1 stone milestone already, hurrah! It always gives me a real sense of hope looking at everyone's signature to see progress and how quick weight disappears, amazing. Both you and thistime08 are total inspiration!:thankyou:
take care Janie xxx
Day 14

Thanks Janie, you're weightloss was great!!! Wow!

Today was quite a bad day, I'm fecking hungry! Have been all day. I got up kinda late and ate my Maitenance bar in the first of my seminars, with a cup of tea and semi-skimmed milk (210 calories).
Then in my break I ate some grapes, but I ended up sharing with people, so not sure how many I actually ate (50 calories)

Then I was waiting on my bf to go shopping with me, so I ate a salad of lettuce, onion, green pepper and cucumber, with Kraft low fat italian dressing, which smells great, but I didn't like it, I missed the astringent taste of my red wine vinegar. (50 calories)
Bought my cineworld Unlimited card, cos the bf wants to bring me to the cinema this weekend, and mine expired mid TFR. Also got some embroidery threads for the advent calendar I'm cross stitching!
Paul got some baklava, fudge, and turkish delight, and it was quite tempting!! I resisted, but it was very tough!
I got back to the hospital late, and ate my M&S spicey lentil soup out of the carton like the classy lady I am in front of the supervisor for my 3rd seminar, while trying to carry on some form of conversation. (165 calories)

I think because my schedule was off the norm, I was constantly starving!
I came home, and got my chicken stew down me! I also had some flavoured sparkling water, and a cup of tea with skimmed milk. Followed quickly by a WW Lemon & Lime Yoghurt! (310 Calories)

Then in the evening I had a raspberry mousse, a bag of Manhattan Popcorn, a can of Coke Zero and 2 WW ginger and lemon cookies and 25g of dark chocolate! (435 calories)
I'm a giant pig!! Feel free to say as much.

I actually ate 1285 calories today!!! That's if I stop now and eat nothing else!!! ...feck it!! I am piggy!!

Love Guen
Day 15

Hey guys,

Didn't have time to do a WI this morning, as was really rushing (I was only 20 mins late!!!) plus I'm very bunged up (no movement for 3-4 days)!

My binge...what can I say...the tummy ache was really bad...woke up at 3am in pain. In retrospect it wasn't the worst thing that could have happened...I ate a lot of calories compared to what I had been eating, but I didn't eat all that many in the grand scheme of things. The individual things I ate were all fairly low calorie, even the dark chocolate wasn't that bad. If I'd had a bag of chips it'd probably have been way more calories.
I knew I'd probably overdo it eventually, and now I have, and the world hasn't ended, I'm still here, I still have control over what I eat!

I decided to up my calories to 1100 per day, I've been too hungry on 900 a day for the past few days.

Breakfast: Maintenance Bar and tea with skimmed milk. (210 calories)
Lunch: Chicken Stew, Clementine, WW Jelly
(300 calories)
Snack: WW Pink Grapefruit Yoghurt (50 calories)
Dinner: 100g cod steamed with black pepper and lemon slices, 1/2 pack of carrot and swede crush from M&S, and 100g of miniature potatoes and some flavoured water. (265 calories)
Evening: I will probably have some grapes and maybe WW cookies and a cup of tea with skimmed milk. (195 calories)

Total Calories today: 1100 cals!!

Love Guen
Went to the pharmacy today, and got weighed! I lost half a lb, so pretty much stayed the same!! I was delighted!!

I ate a lot again today, ah well, I'll worry when the scales starts going the wrong way.

Breakfast: Maintenance Bar, and cup of tea with skimmed milk. (210 cals)
Lunch: Minestrone soup, slice of bread, mandarin orange, and a WW Lemon yoghurt. (285 cals)
Snack: Went shopping after college, and got really really hungry, so I had a snack before dinner. I had half a bag of popcorn and 200g grapes! (185 cals)
Dinner: M&S chicken, vegetables and potato. M&S count on us...raspberry mousse and 250 ml flavoured sparkling water. (465 cals)
Evening: half a bar of dark chocolate, a cup of tea with skimmed milk and 2 WW cookies (233 cals)

Total calories today: 1378 cals :giggle:
Keep it up hun. Once you have ahem..unclogged yourself you will feel much better. Actually thinking back, I had the same problem when I started eating again, but it gets better. You are doing really well.
Wow im so lovin ur refeed thread! Awesome - you are brilliant - well done!!!! xox
So...I haven't been posting, part of that is because I have been really busy, and the other part is cos I've been bad, very bad, foodwise.

I can't remember for the life of me what I ate on Friday...although I know I ate crispy aromatic duck for dinner...

Saturday, not good was a celebration date day for my bf and I.
I ate porridge with sultanas for breakfast, a brown bread chicken sandwich and a low fat organic yoghurt for lunch, BUT...then I had a diet coke and some pick n mix watching the new James Bond movie in the afternoon...came home and got changed to go out for dinner...and I had a risotto with fried sea bass for starter, fillet steak, mashed potato, steamed veg, and a small amount of garlic butter for main, a bread and butter pudding with toffee sauce, a BOTTLE of white wine, and a few sips of a hot chocolate!!! I was as drunk as anything. Really really hopelessly drunk.

Then on Sunday I had porridge with sultanas again, a fried fillet of salmon, frozen veg, and 2 small potatoes for lunch, plus a mince pie, and two biscuits. That wasn't really all that bad I suppose until I came home from mum's and ate 3 slices of pizza, and a sticky toffee pudding!!

But I haven't hit rock bottom I was supposed to be getting back on the horse, and I had a Maintenance bar for breakfast, a Maintenance bar, a bag of popcorn, and a WW yoghurt for lunch...all great...even dinner wasn't so bad...went out to Wagamama and instead of ordering the fried gyoza, chicken katsu curry, and a desert with Coke, I got a teriyaki salmon soba (noodles, salmon, soy sauce, veg stir fried) and a diet coke. But then...I came of chocolate, and a sticky toffee pudding...just gone...well...gone as far as my already flabby thighs!

My problem seems to be the evening times, I either go out and have fun and overindulge, or confine myself to the apartment to get some study done and overindulge. Something needs to be first plan is to purge the house of unhealthy food!

So that's my confession...honestly I wouldn't change a thing that I ate on Saturday night, I needed to relax about calories for a night, and getting drunk felt fabulous. It's the pizza last night, and the sticky toffee pudding tonight that I'm really mad at myself about.

I am putting up a pic of me on Sat night...I bought the dress on Saturday especially for the occassion.


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Restarting dieting!!

Last night I decided that enough was enough!! I joined Weight Watchers online, and started WW as of this morning.
Just as well because I got on the scales this morning, and I was up another 4lbs!!!!!

I gotta lose it again!!

Today was Day 1 on Weight Watchers

Breakfast: Maintenance Bar, tea with skimmed milk (4 Points)
Snack:WW Yoghurt (0.5 Point)
Lunch: Hummous, crudites, and pitta bread in the M&S restaurant, and a diet coke (4 points)
Snack: Banana (2 points)
Dinner: 1/2 pack of Quorn Cottage Pie and 1/2 pack of peas and onions (4 points)
Evening: Pack of Manhattan Popcorn, Grapes, and 2 WW cookies. (5 points)

So I ate 19.5 out of 21 Points today, I gained 2 exercise points walking in and out to college. So I banked 3.5 Points.

Hopefully this will go well!
Wish me luck!
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