Gut bugs!


Silver Member
I've been watching The Doctor In The House. There was this one particular child who was gaining weight he was 11stone. he was not really eating that unhealthily. He had high insulin levels.

They changed his diet he had to avoid bread and starch he has 2 cooked apples a day with cinemon which helps reduce the sugar which changes the compisition of your gut dramatically. You have to heat the apples which releases the compounds quicker. Also he had vitamin suppliments. He has included a rainbow diet, fresh fruit meat and vegetables to increase the gut bugs which turns your food into energy and also decides how much food is turned into fat.

Anyway by the end of the programme his weight went down to 9st and had a normal insulin level.

I think I might try cooking 2 apples a day with cinemon to see if it has an effect!
Sounds interesting
Yeah i want to try that craftermary but how do you stew the apples? Im not much of a cook. I might try it in the microwave. Ive just googled it.
Just chop up the two apples add a tsp or two of water,cover with cling film. Leave a small gap for steam to escape then cook for a couple of minutes.:)

My first lot is in the micro. :)
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Do you want to start a challenge craftermary? we could do it for a week! Im also uping my fruit and vegetables intake as I havent been eating that much fruit.
I started on apples yesterday. :)

So day two for me. :)

I had to research ibs and apples as I suffer in it. And apparently applesauce can be good for ibs sufferers. So far I haven't had any problems with adding stewed apples in.
Oh right cool! Ive upped my fruit intake including it for breakfast and have just started today. I had the apples raw today as I need some clingfilm so will try and get some over the weekend. I am also need to research super food as appently fleck seed is good and ive also been told by a family member that goats yogurt is good. You get it all from Aldi.
You could put the apple in without cling film. You can also put it in a saucepan and cook it that way.

What puts me off goats products is I was a Nanny and the childs parents owned a rare sheep and goat farm. The smell from the goats wasn't very nice.So I always image the goat yoghurt etc would have that smell.
Oh ok lol
I actually quite like goats cheese but im not sure myself about the yogurt or the milk will have to see!

Todays been good foodwise. I am eating more for breakfast as before sometimes i was just having a banana. Also its good to chop and change your diet so that your body doesnt get used to the same things.
My OH keeps telling me you should chop and change your diet to trick your body.
I'm enjoying having the stewed apple. I'm going to try sauteed peaches with cinnamon next week. I feel as if I'm having a treat and I don't reach for a biscuit at night.:)
Cool glad things are going well! I had the stewed apples tonight with cinnemon :) do you put the cinemon after its stewed? As I did that. I have also lost 2 pounds as I had put 2 pound on last week after the bank holiday. Upping my breakfast and eating it in the morning has worked.
I haven't been following the apple thing I was getting bored of it. I have upped my fruit and veg intake which seems to be going well :)