CheekyChaz, I am so pleased to hear that he is well again, that must have been an incredibly unsettling time for you both. I have done loads of searches on google (hadn't thought to check facebook, silly me!) and haven't found any of the schemes you have mentioned but my GP may be able to point me in the right direction, even if they can't offer me anything on prescription

A lot of places offer a free trial or first session free scheme so I am trying to make use of some of those but obviously they won't last forever! Also, got the added difficulty that I don't drive so I need it to be fairly local so as not to spend an absolute fortune on buses! Thank you so much for your advice/support!
little*red, some of those workout DVD ideas sound really good! Ebay is normally a winner for things like that, or amazon marketplace! I remember my mum doing Rosemary Connelly ones when I was little, although unfortunately all of hers were on VHS... I remember her doing a Mr Motivater one as well which I used to find incredibly funny

The only thing I was thinking with the Walk Off the Pounds one was that I already do quite a bit of walking already in day to day life (at least 45 minutes a day minimum) so I was trying to find something a bit different. A lot of them are really really cheap on Amazon so I can always order a few and then even if I only do them once most of them are cheaper than a session at the swimming pool

plus there is bound to be a couple of good ones amongst them. One of the girls that I am living with next year has informed me that she has a wii so may be able to pick up some of the dancing games cheap at a local games shop, so although not as structured it's still getting me off my bum and moving! Thank you for all your help/support!
Emmuk74, I'm so sorry to hear that you had such a negative experience with your GP, that is absolutely terrible! I hope my GP is slightly more supportive when I see them on Monday, if not I will be changing surgeries as I have had a few negative experiences in the past when seeing GP's about my mental health and prescriptions for anti depressants. It can't be that difficult for these individuals to show a little compassion for their patients!
Sarahmun, I know what you mean about it all becoming a bit controversial, it wasn't my intention when I posted it at all

but I am still glad that I did as I am getting some absolutely brilliant friendly and supportive replies from other people, yourself included so thank you! £15 a month is a bargain! My council gyms do a scheme for students which works out at £21 a month for gym, swimming facilities and classes, although unfortunately I would have to pay for 9 months upfront coming to £189 which just isn't possible at the moment! Although I may have to have a chat with my lovely mummy and see if she could perhaps lend me it and I pay her back each month! Feel very cheeky asking though as she isn't exactly the richest person herself. Yogalates sounds good, is it something you have tried and found beneficial yourself? It sounds as though it would be good for toning up as well?