
CDss do you mean you work out to CD's or is CDss a diet? sorry if this is a silly question, I am quite new so I don't understand a lot of the things people are saying.
CDss do you mean you work out to CD's or is CDss a diet? sorry if this is a silly question, I am quite new so I don't understand a lot of the things people are saying.

CD is Cambridge diet. SS is when you use stage 1 of Cambridge diet and only have the food packs as your Sole Source of nutrition. I hope this helps?
thats going on my kitchen door, thank you
Excellent reminder to stop and think - going on the fridge door!
I need to remember this! I tend to pig out when I'm angry to calm myself down and cheer myself up haha
When reaching for unplanned food. Think H.A.L.T are you Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired? If hungry then try to eat something that will satisfy your hunger healthily. If any of the others then take appropriate action but remember

"if hunger is not the problem, then food is not the solution".

Thanks for that! I've written it in my diary so I can remember :D

I need to remember this! I tend to pig out when I'm angry to calm myself down and cheer myself up haha

Me too, lol :rolleyes:
Saw this and thought I'd share it as you never now what with help.

When reaching for unplanned food. Think H.A.L.T are you Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired? If hungry then try to eat something that will satisfy your hunger healthily. If any of the others then take appropriate action but remember

"if hunger is not the problem, then food is not the solution".

Raise your awareness of when and what you eat keep these phrases where you will see them, diary, fridge or write them on a rubber band and wear them on your wrist.

I'm going to try it! Good Luck all.

Dizzy x

Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant!

(I might have to change it to "HALTS" for me though, cos I also eat when I'm sad ;))
What a clever way to stop in your tracks before indulging! I will certainly remember it and give it a whirl.
Fab way to try and stop yourself, I often find myself just standing in the kitchen and maybe this will make me think before I open the fridge/cupboard door!

Weight Watchers use "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels".
Kate Moss got in trouble for using this slogan because some pro-anorexia sites have hijacked the slogan but it is a Weight Watchers slogan originally!:)

I have a pile of skinny slogans that I carry in my handbag and read for motivation regularly.

I like this one by Karl Lagerfeld "fashion is the healthiest motivation for losing weight". I'm not sure this is the wisest slogan ever but it definitely does ring true for me! Nothing as good as fitting into nice skinny jeans :)

I like "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." because I plan my meals and exercise in advance.

If you do what you have always done you will get what you have always gotten. -this one is good as I'm currently changing my eating habits and improving my fitness, reminds me that change is good :)

Bring the body and the mind will follow. -this one is good because I'm not mad about exercise but I find it I *just do it*, I get into it after a while and the motivation does pick up.

I also read somewhere that genuine hunger will occur gradually over time whereas emotional hunger will occur *suddenly*. This is good as it allows me to tell the difference between the two.

I'm closely monitoring my portion sizes-I was really confused about it especially for my cereal so I googled "portion sizes" online. Portion size | Bupa UK

This site tells you portion size is tablespoons, or else just have one of something so it's easy to follow. I just have one portion of everything. I know they mention you need 8-10 portions of starch etc but you really don't, especially when you're trying to lose weight.

Oh, if I want to snack, I sip on water or make herbal tea. It's good as I still have something in my hands and/or mouth but it's not food and it won't ruin my diet! :)
I will remember "if hunger is not the problem, then food is not the solution".

The book Women, Food and God discusses emotional eating. It also recommends dealing with the real issue - boredom, anxiety, frustration. Stopping using food to dull emotions and living in the now.

Thank you for the advice - you have succinctly managed to summarise the gist of a whole book - your motto is easier to remember.