Woooo Hoooo!!! Well done Louisa!!!

How great is this diet?? :D
Bless you InL0K0 - it's lovely to get compliments. I've just uploaded 4 pix into the gallery - hope you can see them. I've promised myself that when I get to goal (not long now) I shall get some "proper" photos taken as I'm usually very camera-phobic. I've had my hair cut really short since those photos were taken and I'll get my sister to make me up so hopefully I'll look less like a clown!

Good luck for Wednesday!

Brilliant well done!!!!
Thursday 22nd September 2005 at approx 9pm when I was all red eyed and pathetic looking after having sobbed myself to a standstill at my CDC's - lucky me as she's lovely but looking back now she must have thought "whoa - nutcase alert!" I know I would have done:eek:
D'ya know A .... My jaw still drops when I see your before and after pics. It's almost impossible to believe that it's the same person: you look like you've always been slim.

You are such an inspiration to me (and loads of others I'm sure). A huge thank you for that xx

Aw shucks, thanks Debbie and Irene - you are both so sweet!
I don't feel slim - isn't it wierd? When I was at my biggest I avoided all reflective surfaces which is how I never recognised myself in my shameful fattist episode (detailed in boring introspection elsewhere:rolleyes: ). I'm still not terrific at looking at myself now and when I do it's very much in the style of "hmm, well that fat roll is still there/your thighs are like tree trunks/you're kidding no one lady!" etc. Yet a few weeks ago I was out shopping and I saw a girl wearing a nice white shirt and thought "she looks nice - ....oh it's me!!)
Me - a girl - LOL!!!

I think we need to be a whole lot kinder to ourselves - v. hard after years of humiliation/teasing/rudeness re size etc.
Other important things (IMHO) are good supportive bras, Sloggi hold-it-in knickers, modern corsets and a whole lot of sucking your stomach in whenever you remember!

Oh, and scales are evil things and should only be used once a week and even then their readings should be looked at in conjunction with your measurements/how your clothes feel!

Love from a sad scales-aholic (perhaps I should start a self help thread for us scales addicts:p )


PS Sorry Louisa - rather hijacked your thread - keep drinking the water and shaking for England xxx