Kuromi Jenkins
Silver Member
Hair shedding is associated with many issues - emotional stress, severe illness, pregnancy, hormones, flu and, in a small percentage of people, extensive weight loss. Dry skin and possible hair loss may occur later in your plan during the use of the diet and is generally due to the physiological response to your actual weight loss process rather than the diet products and when your weight has stabilised your hair follicles generally start re-growing.
Both should correct themselves and generally the effects of hair growth & skin regeneration improves with new development. If you are prone to excess hair shedding you are unfortunately at greater risk of this happening whilst dieting. We recommend on all our VLCD programmes the inclusion of nut/seeds or oils, we consider these benefical for many common side affects. Hair shedding should not be confused with alopecia where hair comes out in patches, which is a medical condition needing treatment by a doctor.
Use of an essential fatty acid supplement/canola/flaxseed, walnut / olive oil tsp added to your optional salad is a good preventative or if concerned, consider 1 or 2 capsules of essential fatty acids eg Omega 3,6 & 9 can be taken each day, extra to those in our products which can help stop your skin from drying out and your hair from thinning, possibly step up to the Social Kee Plan or above with a little more conventional food available.
Q: Is it true that if I lose weight quickly my hair will fall out?
THE FACTS: A single hair follicle grows in three phases: the active phase (anagen), the resting phase (catagen), and the shedding phase (telogen). In the telogen phase the hair sheds because the root has returned to the active phase and the growth starts again, pushing the old hair out. At any one time most follicles are in the active phase, 3% in the resting phase and 11-15% in the shedding phase.
The growing phase requires lots of energy. So, when energy intake is reduced on a VLCD, the body prefers to shut down the growing phase in order to conserve energy. This means more follicles go from growing into resting - roughly 18-20%. When energy intake eventually increases, these same follicles go from resting to shedding and the resting hair falls out. In a small percentage of people the proportion of hair in the shedding phase exceeds 30%, and this is when hair loss becomes noticeable.
Not everyone will experience hair loss while on a VLCD, and for those who do, it's a temporary condition - healthy hair will regrow.
Both should correct themselves and generally the effects of hair growth & skin regeneration improves with new development. If you are prone to excess hair shedding you are unfortunately at greater risk of this happening whilst dieting. We recommend on all our VLCD programmes the inclusion of nut/seeds or oils, we consider these benefical for many common side affects. Hair shedding should not be confused with alopecia where hair comes out in patches, which is a medical condition needing treatment by a doctor.
Use of an essential fatty acid supplement/canola/flaxseed, walnut / olive oil tsp added to your optional salad is a good preventative or if concerned, consider 1 or 2 capsules of essential fatty acids eg Omega 3,6 & 9 can be taken each day, extra to those in our products which can help stop your skin from drying out and your hair from thinning, possibly step up to the Social Kee Plan or above with a little more conventional food available.
Q: Is it true that if I lose weight quickly my hair will fall out?
THE FACTS: A single hair follicle grows in three phases: the active phase (anagen), the resting phase (catagen), and the shedding phase (telogen). In the telogen phase the hair sheds because the root has returned to the active phase and the growth starts again, pushing the old hair out. At any one time most follicles are in the active phase, 3% in the resting phase and 11-15% in the shedding phase.
The growing phase requires lots of energy. So, when energy intake is reduced on a VLCD, the body prefers to shut down the growing phase in order to conserve energy. This means more follicles go from growing into resting - roughly 18-20%. When energy intake eventually increases, these same follicles go from resting to shedding and the resting hair falls out. In a small percentage of people the proportion of hair in the shedding phase exceeds 30%, and this is when hair loss becomes noticeable.
Not everyone will experience hair loss while on a VLCD, and for those who do, it's a temporary condition - healthy hair will regrow.