Sensibly losing :)
Dolphin, been meaning to reply properly but not had the time - you said about needing to shed weight for an op etc too. I can completely relate to that too .. that was my reasons behind starting up! I have severe back problems and also troubles with my hips and pelvis. Last year I was pretty much crippled and couldnt walk to my kitchen unaided it had got that bad! I have had a few procedures and have had a big op looming to help my back but I am so scared I have put it off and gone back on the list etc.... done this a few times! Anyway, had other operations pending also so knew the next chance I had was to help myself bylosing some weight to help the risk factors and recovery.... I had already lost over 5 stone myself but was still overweight so I began and found this site too. So, I am now 2.5 or 3 stone less than I was... and my back is fantastic compared to how it was. I knew it would do me good but I never envisaged myself being able to get in a pool, do aquafit or even walk the kiddies to school... 6 months ago I couldnt walk outside without a buggy like a walking frame.... thats changed. Yes I still have a dodgy back indeed! And I live on morphine 24/7 plus other stuff but I now have a true quality of life - I am able to enjoy myself, get out under my own steam... the op risks are less yes, I achieved what I wanted. So much so I bit the bullet and had my gallbladder taken out last week - i am already better!!... BUT, the biggest change is my mobility and back stuff.. I am that much better I am strongly considering pulling the plug on one of my big ops... the risks are there and there is a chance it could leave me worse off than I am today... its quite good right now so I am inclined to leave it alone for now. It can go again at any moment, I dont know what tmw holds and if so I will need it doing asap but right now I cant tempt fate and my gut tells me to play safe, be careful what I do and just see how I go with another stone off... the weight has had a huge effect!! What I find hard to believe is that I can lift (stupidly but have done!!) my 2 youngest kids... and they weigh less than I have lost... my poor old back was struggling so much when I was big as it was like carrying those 2 around all of the time, plus another 3 stone!!!! Its no wonder my back is knackered! I couldnt climb the stairs with them but my poor body dealt with that every single day! tut tut!!
So, less waffle...!! I would not be surprised if you get a nice shock as the weight falls off! I certainly have and will continue to do so no doubt!
Its all fab eh!!! Hope you have the same success I have - its changed my life and its not all about the physical image.. the health stuff is far mroe important xxx
So, less waffle...!! I would not be surprised if you get a nice shock as the weight falls off! I certainly have and will continue to do so no doubt!
Its all fab eh!!! Hope you have the same success I have - its changed my life and its not all about the physical image.. the health stuff is far mroe important xxx