Gold Member
Thanks Shazzabir, if anyone's looking for a really good training plan for running the My Asics site is really good.
Exiguous - I have the same problem with weight loss. I am only 5lb away from goal, but have been in this place for nearly a year. Which is about the same time my running increased. I am still determined to get there though. If I find a way of breaking through I will let you know
Good luck with your marathon!! Keep us all posted.
I am still really sore from the race on Sunday, but my head really wants to go running. It's my day off so I normally do 6-7 miles on a Wed. Think I might x-train instead and start back at the w/e.
Gina- did I read your post wrong or are you doing a 10k and 5k on the same day???
I've been struggling to lose weight since before Christmas, and it's taken an absolute AGE to lose anything! I've felt I've been going backwards and forwards over the same 1/2 stone and it's also co-incided with when I upped the running. However the inches have still been coming off. However in the last 2 weeks I've lost 3 1/2lbs and it's almost as though I've beaten my body into submission and it's "allowing" me to lose again! I know I don't have much to lose (the stone it says on my profile is beginning to seem too low for me), but I'm now happy the weigh is moving in the right direction again.
Hi Fairymary, I thought it was just me struggling with the last few pounds as well! However I love the fact that my breathing and heart rate recover very quickly from a run and also that I've slimmed into size 10 clothes. I don't think I'd be there if it wasn't for the running. 15 years ago I was a size 10, but I weighed just over 9 stone then, and a dress I kept from that time fits perfectly now! The running and inch loss seems to be miles better than the scales suggest. I get told by so many people that I should stop losing as I look fine, but they then can't believe I still weigh over 10 stone. For me I think my end weight will be a psychological decision, not one based on looks or the scales as such. Even when I do declare target, I think I will still be toning so what difference will the actual stated weight make, if that makes sense. I'm already a healthy weight so any more I lose is my choice rather than through necessity.
Can't believe I have Race for Life 10k on Saturday! It will be my first race ever and seems to have come round very quickly!. . . then onwards to half marathon in November.