No weigh in for me this week. The Wii is telling me I stayed the same. I'd hate that. But will see. Was off sick with a heavy cold all week. Back next Wednesday. I've had barely any syns so staying the same would just be awful. I really want to get rid of those last 50 something pounds. Come on now.
Something else I wanted to mention. I'm now volunteering in my SW group and take care of the little sales table for the magazines, Hifi-Bars and recipe books. I checked the bars out the other night and looked through the list of ingredients. Has anyone of you checked them before? I was horrified. First of all by the very long list of ingredients, secondly by the huge amount of sugar in various forms of syrups, sugar, glucose ... Gosh! Why is SW promoting such a s**t product? Honestly. And that's supposed to be a "Healthy Extra"? You're having a laugh... right? I personally prefer to stick with my Alpen Light bars. I can have two of those and not just one and there is a lot less sugar in them. Mama mia!