Well, in a bid to prove I am human and not a mere machine with no soul and programmed to be 100%, I've just returned from an obesity revisited trip to Florida!
Well, not quite, but after being so good (dull) for 4 days, I didn't merely fall off the wagon, but energetically pole-vaulted from it with rocket-powered assistance!
I must have eaten everything that got me in such states in the first place, burgers, fries, fried chicken, battered shrimp, - even pizza one night and I'm not a pizza fan!
Super creamy mashed potatoes (no chance it was fromage frais in there I bet) and mountains of barbecused spare ribs (lord knows what was in the sauce).
As blowouts go, it was up there and true to my word I got right back on plan on my return.
I'm expecting some shocking numbers tomorrow, but am tempering it with the consolation that the more I have put on while away, the more I can take off in the first week.
You've heard the saying might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb? - i just swung for the flock!