Forever fat n 'bubbly'
Silver Member
Well done plum... So mushroom is rank? I like CDs chicken n mushroom. Did you? I hate CDs tomato soup. Is exante's similar? Guess ill just have to go for it!
Ill need to order some exante soon. Not going to reorder with my CDC. She didn't motivate me at all. Might as well order on-line!
Well done honey
Started CD 4 June
5ft 1" 13st 2 BMI 37.2
Day12: -1st 1 12st 1 BMI 31.9
Dont like knowing weight, so staying off scales. Want to bypass 11s so not weighing until 2nd Aug!
Ill need to order some exante soon. Not going to reorder with my CDC. She didn't motivate me at all. Might as well order on-line!
Well done honey
Started CD 4 June
5ft 1" 13st 2 BMI 37.2
Day12: -1st 1 12st 1 BMI 31.9
Dont like knowing weight, so staying off scales. Want to bypass 11s so not weighing until 2nd Aug!