Gold Member
Work was pretty pants again unfortunately - we've 2 off sick (1 off for 2 weeks) & 2 on two weeks holidays - happy days!!!!
Yea it's crazy I run 10k and it's only 4ap cuz I do be chatting away with my friend but then I earn 7ap in a 45min fightclub class. I woulda taught running was much more! Goes to show you though before I joined ww I used to think well I went for a 10k run this morning so I can eat a Chinese and have a bottle of wine because iv burnt it off!!but that's sooooo not the case. Sure 4ap is a curly wurly and a ww biscuit like!
Hope today has been good for you so far
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My Tuesday wasn't brill but I'm turning it around & it pales in comparison to your Tuesday...
A malteser teaser is the maltesers bar, 5pp, chocolate with little crispy bits, it was by the checkout yesterday & I couldn't resist!!
Yes there was/is, a nugget if chocolate with malt bits!!!
Celebrations turn my stomach as a result of Christmas 1999, whole other story lol x
i have a hr monitor and id burn about 280/300cals but the ap depend on if you are able to hold a convo, how long it takes you to start sweating etc.
mmmmm malteaser teaser, delish.
Mmmm I'd love a maltesers teaser....![]()
Well seeing as I'm one of the sweatiness people on the planet, it takes about 2 mins but that isn't necessarily because I'm working sooo hard - it's an attractive quality in a woman!
Gotta love the teasers!!
Today's diary - last day of the week
B- muller & banana, crumpet & jam (5pp)
L- pasta soup, quavers, plums (4pp)
D- keema curry (mince & fresh peas), rice & 0% total (14pp)
S- pear, chorizo, strawbs & lf froghurt, time out (6pp)
10 weeklies remain BUT my portion control at dinner hasn't been as good as usual...I always weigh the meat & add up the extras, but I'm not always consistent with the I'm not holding my breath for tomorrow!!
AP's- 4 walk & cycle, tired legs!
Think I may need to try having some filling & healthy days, just need to plan them better!
A 5kg Millennium Dome of Celebrations which I begged my parents to buy me, never touched them since....! X
Still 3pp short on your dailiesIs it WI tomorrow? X