It's Friiiiiiiiiday! The weekend starts here...I mean right here in this exact spot on the sofa with a glass of red
I kept it low today as having a bit of a splurge tonight, but I didn't want it to get out of control. Having an early Burns night tomorrow & haggis is defo not low on points!!
7am start so my breakfast was in 2 sittings...6am & morning break...
B - banana & 1 graze flapjack - 2pp
S - nectarine & WW yogurt - 1pp
L - soup (2), oatcakes (2) & salad with balsamic - 4pp
Pub - 1 large vino - 6pp
D - burger, no bun (6), fresh waitrose chips (8) & there were loads!, ketchup (1), salad & dressing (1) - 16pp
S - large vino (6), maltesers (5) - 11pp
So if we took away the wine & maltesers it'd only be 23pp

But I'm not giving up wine or choc!
Total - 40/29
Weeklies - 11/49, so 13 used, 36pp left
AP - 5pp, cycle, walk, wii fit
I'd like to have a few weeklies left after tomorrow, the plan;
Sunday - 7pp
Monday - 3pp
Tuesday - 3pp
So that would be 23 in the bank for tomorrow - that'll be fine
How's the weather with you guys? It's really trying for big snow here, but it's just not sledging or snowmen yet, it's not very thick so is turning icy too quickly, just got to NOT fall over!