Too Heavy Hannah
Full Member
Hi LR Yes it is digital, but it has died :sigh: Mine was the same,kick it,then geton and it flashes through loads of numbers before settling on the weight.... but nothing now..all 0's I've had them for about 2 years, well only really used them the last 3 months though lol
On a positive note...i've been smiling all day! Won 2 pairs of size 14 jeans on work towards fitting into them....they fit! :bliss:And I can still breathe! :8855:
Last time I could fit in a 14 was about 15 years ago!
On a positive note...i've been smiling all day! Won 2 pairs of size 14 jeans on work towards fitting into them....they fit! :bliss:And I can still breathe! :8855:
Last time I could fit in a 14 was about 15 years ago!