Happy clappy - encouraging or not?


Team FFF!!!
Is it the same at all sw classes?

We get weighed, sit around chatting for half hour while the others get weighed or while new ones are told about the diet then the lady running the class goes round everyone saying what they have lost etc and everyone claps everyone. I find it really embarressing:eek: The first session I went to the woman went round everyone and they had all lost so we did lots of clapping, we then got to the last lady and she looked at her and said "jo, you've done really well so far.......so what happened for you to put on 2lb this week then" :eek: If I had been that lady I would have died, I felt so sorry for the poor girl :(
Oh my goodness, we must have the same leader! Mine went over all marjorie dawes one day to one lady, and was like "oh dear, xx, what happend to you this week" and after all the other stuff she said, was like, well do you want to set a target this week, so the poor lady said she would like to lose what she had put on the previous week, to which the leader so tactfully said " that's an AWFUL lot"! As if, and our leader is quite heavy herself! I was mortified for this woman. it made the clapping thing so hollow!

I don't really get much out of my meetings to be honest, I got much more from my ww meetings and because of the way it is done, she has scared off two quite heavy ladies which is really dissapointing.

I find the crack with the other members the only reason I go and the leader isn't proactive at all. This forum is MUCH more friendly and inspiring to be honest!!

I'm exactly the same as you, I've made some really good friends at class and we often get dirty looks for being girly and giggling:eek: and that really is the only reason I stay, if they weren't there I'd either give up or just go for the weigh in which it really shouldn't be, they should be making it so we want to stay and want to get inspired.

I don't get inspired when my leadere tells us she went on holiday and put on 4.5lb as she won't diet while she is away:rolleyes:
Wow, our leader won't tell us if she's gained or lost each week! i know one day she is going to push my buttons and I am going to ask! :) LOL
Interesting post.... I personally hate the clapping bit, I think it is good to be clapped if you've done well, but if you've put on then it seems a little silly?

We also get a child's sticker every week regardless of loss or gain??

I personally prefer using this forum for help and support. (I had one consultant whilst at uni who said... Good god what wrong with you, you are almost fatter now than when you started - needless to say I didn't go back!!
OMG Louise! How awful is that!!! I would never have gone back and would have reported her!
Our consultant does go around the group and do the happy clapping but she gives lots of advice.
When a person says how they over come a problem or how they are struggling it often sparks a group wide discusssion and I personally find this very beneficial.....

The only thing that bugs me is when some ladies get quite 'cocky ' about putting on and find it funny and say things like well I would have lost weight but I went down the pub three times and had two curries out.... I find this hard on all of us who are serious and who give the plan a lot of ourselves...
I am not being pompous but in our class two or three ladies just come for a social event and never seem to try... and I find that quite hard...

My consultant is very supportive and I have never heard her being rude to anyone... if mine was rude to me, I would not take it lying down...

Our class often has taste sessions and recipe ideas and raffles as well so I am always willing to stay to class.

Anne x
your meetings sound really nice! I have heard from friends who have had meeting like yours so I may just have the shop around so to speak!!

And yes I know what you mean about the people that think it is funny that they have gained weight. I have to say though that I wasn't at all mad when I gained weight when I was on hols for 2 weeks, but certainly wasn't bragging, I told the leader in advance that I wouldnt be following it for 2 weeks but that I would get back on the wagon when I got back.
Hi Steph, yes I know what you mean, noone minds anyone having a bad week, but some people use the classes as just a weekly social and have no intention of following the plan.

Had an idea, those with not so supportive classes why not email SW and 'offer suggestions' as to what the classes could be like.... I am under the impression that all classes should offer image therapy and just because classes are run by franchisee's they should still be of a standard.... The area managers might be able to pop along and encourage the consultants to pull their socks up a bit!

We are all paying the same amount and should get the same service :)

Anne x
To be honest i think the happy clapping is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO outdated and naff, most people in my class old and new, roll their eyes because they find it so cheesy. Nothing to do with my slimming consultant infact she is great, always on the other end of the phone, email etc.....but why call it image therapy.....its more like sleep therapy! Like others have said, for some women AND men they do find it embarrassing. Id rather we all have a chin wag, maybe take some new recipes in every week not once a month and have our suppers there, i think it would be great....even maybe do some light exercise...walking, pilates, areobics just to get us fit...it shouldnt have to be serious just enjoyable. I hope there are slimming world consultants out there who maybe could pass our thoughs and comments on to re-vamp the classes because it sure would make going to class more fun.

I hope i havent offened anyone with my thoughts......its just a light hearted suggestion.

Love to all
Ruthy xxxx
Does anyone agree on my comment? would any of your like to do some exercise there too.?
RUthy xx
I think it's a great idea, problem is i think it's then called Rosemary Conley!! LOL. My consultant does the same thing, they obvisously all went to the same SW training day. Our losses and gains are read out, and interigated. We all clap at the losses too (I hate it!!)

We sometimes talk through ideas for meals and we do get chance to ask her stuff, but sometimes i have been in there for 2 1/2 hours!!! I haven't had a taster session yet, but i have taken in a Scan Bran Chocolate cake for people to try (mmmmmmm lovely) :)

But yes Ruthy i do agree with you my group could do with a shake!!
Had an idea, those with not so supportive classes why not email SW and 'offer suggestions' as to what the classes could be like.... I am under the impression that all classes should offer image therapy

Great Idea Anne, I am going to do that today!! Not to get her in trouble mind, but one of the reasons I joined was the maintenance help as well (image therapy) to help me keep it off this time. So I will def drop a line to them!!

Ruthy I totally agree. I would love the interaction every meeting where we share recipes, and really talk about what works and what doesn't. We NEVER talk abuot what works for people and if someone really has a good week, we never talk about what they may have done differently to give insight to others that may be struggling. I think they def need a shake up because it seems like every meeting is exactly the same and follows an agenda,. and lord help us if 10 people join one night then the leader spends the marjority of her time talking to them for ages while we talk amongst ourselves and just sit there, and then she rushes through clapping over weights and then rushes us out, so to be honest, to sit in a really really cold hall, I don't get anything out of those particular meetings. So will def suggest a bit of exercise and more interraction.

Hiya all,
Bumpy0 i know what your saying about Rosemary Connaly, ive done her classes and to be honest i hated the diet but loved the aerobics side of things, My mum goes to Welsh slim which is bascically a calorie counting diet (she reached target last week!) thought id throw that in lol, and a member ofthat group puts a DVD on usually Rosemary Connaly and they do a lighthearted excersise regime.
Slimming world really do need to take a look at their classes because although on one hand they say it works but on another i know for a fact thats why people dont stay ....hence in the long term give up their diet only to back in the same rut in which they started!

Also another great idea is to jump on the band wagon and get more of their foods into the super market....like weight watchers and make it easier for us to access(for instance) ready made meals or meals that state their syn value etc
Nothing has changed since i first ever joined SW when i was 16, im nearry 30 now!!!!!!

SW really does need to get their act together and be more proactive in their approach to weight loss.

Does anyone agree?

Ruthy xxxxxxx
Hi everyone. I'm another long term slimming worlder (i've been a member on and off for the last 20 years). The first SW class i joined did have an exercise class added on to it but aparently the consultant was forced to stop doing it due to health and safety regulations (i guess because she wasn't a qualified instructor)

My current SW leader is very keen to get classes started and finished on time, she has helpers to take money and weigh in while she talks to new members. Any late comers are made to wait until the end to get weighed. We all get phone calls, texts or emails mid week to keep us on track. Sometimes she brings recipe samples in for us to taste. Overall she's a very good leader but we still have to sit and cringe through image therapy lol...

I agree with Ruthy that SW need to get their act together but i don't think they like to spend money. It's a shame because i think the diet is far superior to Weight Watchers, yet it's WW that is the better known company
I totally agree, if they changed things, get with it, and advertise on a leval that weight watchers is doing they will supercede themselves, why oh why dont they see this. The actual diet it fab but holy mother of god ditch the image therapy or at least make it more interesting! some people are not interested in everyone and can you blame them after a long day at work.....they need motivation not to be bored to death!
Ruthy xxxx
I think I must be really lucky with my consultant. She starts by talking about a subject for 10/15 minutes etc, last week it was to give some ideas for different receipes on red days. She gives little tips, reads out any news, asks the group (and its quite big - about 50 I think) if they have anything to add.

Then she does the losses etc with the clapping. If you put on or maintain then she just reads out the total they've lost so no-one knows which is good I think. She asks everyone what they did differently if anything, asks if any problems, discusses any receipes and everyone joins in with their suggestions. Then she asks what you're going to do this week and how much you'd like to aim to loose.

I think I've struck lucky with her because she is certainly the best leader/consultant I've ever had out of SW & WW.
My SWC is very much the same, she doesnt do the talk just straight to the "happy clapping" and she is very considerate to members if they have had a gain. I dont stay for it because it bores me rigid! I am genuinly happy for people who have lost but after she has gone through 10 people everyones minds starts wondering off. And there is always one "chatter" who goes on about her week in so much detail that we might aswel live with her....bless, but she is funny lol.

Oh im not in a good mood this week as i have had a gain so i am really down in the dumps and to be honest could do with a damn good cry over a kitkat pmsl
Ruthy xxx
I do know what you mean! I think by the time I have been to as many meetings as you I will find it boring!

Maybe its as much the people that go, my group is really lively and funny, so we laugh along most of the time. I do admit to texting my friends when bored though! My phone is on silent, I hasten to add.