Wow, Lucy. You are amazing!
I read your post with tears in my eyes, you've done SO well to get this far and my GOD you look incredible!
I too am around 5ft1 - 5ft2 and also weigh 179lbs (the same as you when you started!)
So your story really struck a chord in me. I too have always been 'chunky' and struggled with my weight. I LOVE food and although don't eat too unhealthily, I can't get enough of it. I am a real food-a-holic!
About 6 years ago (i am 25 now) I was at a reasonable weight of about 10stone, and was a size 12 in clothes (I am now a 16) and this was simply due to my job at the time, having just come out of school I was doing a physical 'leafleting' job, which helped me stableize my weight.
Since then however, I met my other half, moved in with him and became 'comfortable'! as I am sure a lot of women can relate to! And slowly but surely I've piled on the weight and now weigh nearly 13 stone.
I started this diet only 7 days ago, and am still really struggling, but reading stories like yours are helping loads! YOU are my inspiration!
How long did it take you (if you can remember) to really get into the swing of things, i.e. - to totally stop feeling hunger and desperately craving food? Also, how many lbs did you loose in your first couple of weeks, as so far I have only lost 4lbs!
Lots of love & support,