Harry's 2013 Diary...

Good luck this week.

keep strong and make good chooses
I hope its not too stressful a course Harry, and you get through it with flying colours:D
Awwww thanks guys.
ED its work related training courses.
Each day we have two workshops to attend. All office and paper work. Too long and very boring. I will be able to come home every day but very late.Yes its possible for me to buy fresh chicken from shop each day as we are going to be in a store but in office.
Ok now about my shopping spree OMG I was such a lucky cow today. Hubby gave me his card to buy clothes for me. I took advantage of this opportunity. Spend more then £100. Eeeee I am so happy now.2new jeans, 1top, 3shirts, 1 trouser,1leggins,trainers, bag and my favourite wedges. Absolutely knackered now. 100% so far.
Hope you all have a lovely week ahead.
I will miss you all be good and stay strong we can do this.
Oh wow how fab!! New clothes :D Hell you deserve them too!!!

So pleased for you hun, Hope the training course goes ok xx
Ohh, new clothes :D
Enjoy your course Harry :D
Thanks ladies,i will try to update my diary everyday.
Did you get a new football shirt Harry? :D
Hi guys quick update.
Back from workshop and believe me it was tiring and boring.
Suffering with headache cause I had only one bar so far. Now I will have two packs then bed.early again tomorrow.
Everyone treat themselves with McDonald's or costa while I was sitting in a corner munching my bar. But I was feeling really proud of myself.
No football shirt this time Mr mojo.
Hope you all had a good day.
Wont be able to check on to your diaries. Be good. I will update tomorrow now.
Well done Harry strong will power. Hope the course improves.
mere x
Well done Harry! xx
Brilliant first day Harry...good luck tomorrow and keep us all posted
Oh Harry thats excellent that you stayed on track :D
Well done Harry for having your bar and resisting the food hope the rest of the week goes well for you X
Hope you are having a good day Harry.
Mere x
Thinking of you Harry 'see' you soon! xx
Awww thanks everyone.
Missing you all a lot.
Missing minimins.
Sorry too much paper work to do.
Learning a lot.
Only two packs today cause I had 4spoons of rice :-( bad I know.
I had really rough day today. Little bit emotional day. I won't go in details but I listened to someone's story it was really sad.sometime we think only we are struggling with situations but there is lot of people that are struggling day to day basis to survive. Really touching.
Hope you all had a good day.Love you all.