Thats amazing! Thats something we've had happen quite often. Most recently when my niece was born, in October last year, my mum 'told' my gran and my aunt that my brother was a daddy again and Emma was a big sister and said shed wished they could have met Ciara. Not more than 1 hour later my brother phoned to say he & my sister in law had been sitting in the living room with the baby when a single white feather floated down - they said they actually sat open mouthed watching it - and landed on the chair nearest the wee ones car seat where she was fast asleep.
Theres NO logical explanation as to where it came from, but we do firmly believe it was my gran and aunt letting us know that they HAD indeed met Ciara
Thats Wonderful How lovely for you. He's with you all the time and knowing that over the past few days you've been thinking a lot about him and about trying to contact him, he's obviously thought it's the right time to give you a sign.
I'm so pleased for you.
If you still want my mediums phone number it's no probs I'll sort it out for you and send it by email.
Aaww Sonkie, as you say perhaps it was your Mum observing you and how well you are doing with your dieting and exercise.
I am amazed this sort of thing doesn't freak you out, but I guess if you have been having experiences from a young age you are pretty used to it.
Keep your stories coming as and when they happen, they are great
I love Most Haunted, Sixth Sense myself! I saw Derek Acorah at his show and met him afterwards.
I have had a few unexplained experiences and I share an office at work with a psychic who is always telling me stuff about myself which I am flabbagasted she knows about!
I do believe in the spirit world but would freak out if I ever actually saw a ghost lol.
Have you been watching most haunted live its on all weekend, started last night.....!
Has anyone else ever seen bright white lights? I sometimes see them in my lounge (nowhere else in my house) and I have seen them over three different people's head, but always the same three people. The psychic I work with sees them too and often above my head.
Also do you ever feel like someone is stroking your head?