Has Anyone Read Carr??


Laugh in the face of food
Easyweigh to Lose Weight by Allen Carr..... It's written by the same man who wrote the Easy Way to Stop Smoking.

I had high hopes for this book because several of my friends have read his stop smoking one and quit on the spot, and most importantly never smoked again!

But so far all this Weight loss book has done is confuse me! I'm not sure if it's his writing style or the fact that he seems to constantly contradict himself.... Im not a stupid person so I find it frustrating that I'm getting confused!! I'm just curious to know how other people found it. Even people who've read his smoking book, was that the same?

I keep on ploughing through it because I desperately want it to work!! I'm working very hard to get this weight off and I want it to stay off!!! So I'm trying everything I can think of short of sewing my mouth shut!!!
Just me then huh?
I read the first few chapters but it bored me so much I quit reading it. He just seemed to drone on and on and on about nothing...forrrreverrr. Couldn't be bothered!!
Not read it, sorry - after your review think I will be giving it a miss ;)

I read it all but can't really recommend it, unless you really really like fruit and veg lol. I just wondered if I'd approached it all wrong but I guess food isn't like smoking!!! I would like to know if there's anyone that's had success with it?
Stupid said:
couldn't understand it. i really am stupid.

Nope, you're not!! It's the book! I was far too confused lol. I thought it might be part of the magic, confuse your brain until it resets itself to thinking thin.... All it really did was make me want to rebel and eat as much as I can :)

I'm sticking with the Beck Diet Solution from now on, that seems to have a more positive effect!!
Lynnella said:
Hi there. i've been looking at books in this genre on amazon. How are you getting on with Beck?

Beck is fantastic I love it!!! I'm just over halfway through the daily activities and it's really making me stop and think!!! You make response cards, they act as reminders until it becomes so natural you do it without thinking, and sone of the things have already become natural.

I'd totally recommend it if you're prepared to follow each instruction and do the daily activities, it's not hard just designed to get you really thinking about how, when and what you eat. I'm such a geek I've really gone to town with it, but I'm desperate to change my relationship with food!

Good luck with it if you get it, it's definitely worth it!!
I have read EASYWEIGH twice now, thought I had read it wrong the first time but no, he really does contradict himself a lot. My favourite was after telling us to avoid processed food, he then said what his favourite sandwich was - well how much more processed can you get than bread????

Totally not convinced.
I read the Allen Carr book years ago. I thought it was rubbish.

I had been impressed with his smoking book (in fact I credit it with helping me stop smoking for good) so I had high hopes for his weight loss book.

I think the problem is that eating disorders are behavioural addictions rather than chemical addictions... and Carr understands chemical addictions but not behavioural addictions.
You could be right there, have never smoked so not read his other book, have bought the alcohol one but not read it yet as not sure I really want to give up drinking lol
I read the book and his main principle makes complete : our bodies are not designed to eat the majority of the food we put in them.

I have been changing my style of eating over the past 5 weeks and have lost 9 pounds. I am eating fruit and vegetables as much as possible, eating nuts anytime I want a more substantial snack, having wholemeal bread, organic food as much as I can and wholefoods with natural ingredients. I have completely cut out sugar but still have a splash of milk in my tea. The rest of the time I drink only water. I have not given up meat but cook it really simply.

It sounds soooooo boring but, trust me, my body is happy and content...I eat when I am actually hungry...I go longer without noticing I am hungry...every time I eat something highly processed, I feel like crap. I was really surprised at how quickly my body responded to the new way of eating.

I listened to the audiobook which was probably easier to stick with.