Has anyone seen 'the plot'

Oh Cheryl. That's great:D :D

Hi Karion have you managed to find it yet ? I have had a look but its not down here in Plymouth.
I had it for a moment (about 3 seconds to be precise), then it escaped into the fridge.

Obviously, I had to get it out...but it had changed shape (and taste):confused:

The alternative was rather yummy though:rolleyes:

Bad Karions plot.

Hi Oli

No I don't mind you copying and pasting, I don't have any copyright on it:D . I get these sudden ideas for poems, and once in my head, they just rumble around (lots of room lol). If I get another 'idea' i'll try to jot it down and post it, just to keep us all going.

Hi Karion

Have you found your mislaid plot yet, think mine is lurking close by somewhere, will have a serious look for it later.

Take care all.
Yep. Well, I've sort found half of it :) Hope you find yours soon;)