LOL well beetroot low fat brownies is rather adventurous, to work with non-conventional ingredients you do need to learn how they work and how to treat them so that they 'bake' well etc. It takes practice.
I think the easiest thing to start with is, funnily enough - reduced sugar recipes. They're less calorie dense and since sugar can trigger overeating - less of it is always better!
The thing with the guilt-cycle of eating, it's a tough one to break. Have a think about why you do it.
* Is it a self-punishment sort of thing? (i.e. "I've eaten this - I'm a ___ - I don't deserve to be slim, I'll finish the whole lot") or is it a self-defeated stance? (i.e. "I'll never be thin anyway... why bother trying...") or something else?
You do need to find the root of the problem. You might be subconsciously sabotaging yourself from a different point of view - the positive.
* Are you afraid of becoming thinner? I know I was deadly afraid as I'd never been that way.
* Are you afraid of all the compliments you're receiving? It is an alien world to us, these "compliments", what are they and where have they come from?! All the new attention can make you want to crawl into a hole and go invisible and 'fat' again. I certainly wanted to fade out because that's what I was used to.
* Are you afraid of change and how others are reacting to it? People have seen you go through such a major change in the last few months, their reactions might be putting you on edge.
The very fact that you are asking all these thought-provoking questions shows me that you are REALLY trying to work at this problem to solve it. It's very positive.
This journey really won't be without it's bumps. Mine certainly was VERY bumpy, I didn't anticipate what being thin would do to me mentally and then how death and an enormous amount of stress could knock me completely out. But now I know, so I'm fixing the damage.
Either way - never stop asking questions and always reflect on what you learn along the way.