Tough But Sexy X
Aww, only just seen this hunny... You're really being put through it huh?! Big hugs angel... xxxxxxxx
As for BL's explanation, it's a relief to read it myself, and so glad it's explained things so you are not worried and confused now... You're doing so well, I have lots to catch up on now I'm back from my hols, as I see you are on Lite still?! Seems to be working well for you though, some more great losses there I see!
Anyway, luv ya, and glad you're doing ok chick... Talk soon...
Yay Pinks is back, missed ya, hope you had a fabulous time with the smelly boys lol
Oh, you know me never a dull moment, although wish there was sometimes lol.
Yes still on Lite, had a STS this week, hmm, not concerned though as I knew it would be slower and have stuck to plan so it will definately show next week, might even pop into see my LLC staurday for a cheeky WI, just to keep spirits high. I am so going to kick this last bit into touch.
Good to have you back hun xxx will text you later xxx