so tried again yesterday was keeping myself occupied did well then ate at tea i was like wtf what a waste so today i havent even tried im so mad with myself i know usually day 3-4 are my bad days but noticing when i restart its day 1 thats the bad one once i get past it im ok
so point being how the hell and why the hell do i eat as soon as its tea dont even think i was hungry i just kept arguing with myself i know this is the only diet for me ive tried all the others and there all well not crap but hell there slow i have 6 weeks supply in the cupboard my blender at the ready but motivation out of the window every night i sit down and remember all the reasons im doing this i have 7 stone 2 lbs to lose so not looking for a quick fix for a stone im just so pissed at myself for giving in when the evening kicks in
what to do???