Aww thanks guys. Nice to see people interested.
Yes, unfortunately I believe it is just a local thing. I'm really looking forward to the next one as I believe that this will help me a lot! I had the lowest 'happiness' score so I have the most to gain from it (trying to focus on the positive!). Basically we were given a worksheet. On it was a circle which was split into about 8 sections (health, finance, career, hobbies, inner harmoney, personal development, life style, relationships.. I think that was it) like a pie chart. Then there were about 10 circles inside... So kinda like a tiny one, then a bigger one around that, then a slightly bigger one etc..
Basically if you scored one aspect of your life at 1 out of 10 (the lowest) you would put a dot on the first circle in that sectiong... if you scored it 5 out of ten it would be on the middle circle etc. (I know this isn't making much sense, I wish I could draw it for you to show you but I don't even have a scanner so that wouldn't be much use).
Out of 80 I scored 37... so my overall life happiness score out of 10 was 4.6!!
He went round the group and asked us which of those sections were our priority... the majority of people said inner harmony.
He also said that we all have black dogs! A little black dog on our shoulder that whenever we go to do something it's yapping at us "You're not good enough!" "That person over there is better then you!" etc etc.
The way to change our thoughts (black dog) is by layering - tell yourself something over and over again, do something over and over again. 21 times makes a habit. etc.
I should be able to explain this better after the next one as I believe we get a CD of a recording of the previous session each time we go. Apparently he's going to hypnotise us on the 8th meeting as well.
We had to talk to someone in the group who we didn't know, tell each other about our family, what we do (job etc), our hobbies and why we are in this group. I spoke to a lovely lady called Nikki, and it was nice(?) to know I'm not the only one who so hard on myself and has such low self esteem.
Anyway, this post is probably not very clear, but I have to admit to being in a rush and I'm just typing things as and when I remember them. Will try and post some more before the next meeting.