I don't recall anything at all that said you had to sign up for a certain period of time - if you've got a consultant suggesting that then I'd ring their head office and check if it's right, perhaps the consultants are doing that themselves so they get the income! It was on the LL site I heard about S&S - their support forums, someone had asked if there was anything similar out there, and had been answered with a whole list of alternatives, surprised me that it was still there.
I'm still on my LL consultants weekly email list so I get all the stuff they send through, they changed the rules not so long ago to be the same as for lite for most people - no doc sign up needed. When I did it you had to have your form signed every 12 weeks, now unless you've got one of the named conditions - diabetes for example - you can kind of self certify to say you are in decent enough health etc. I'm not knocking LL at all, it got me here for a kick off

I just didn't find the approach of my particular consultant all that great for me, and really didn't want to sit in a changing group baring my soul when all they talked about was what they could get away with on the cheating side, just made me wonder why on earth they would want to part with £70+ a week and then cheat, who did they think they were cheating? Which made me wonder how useful the therapy side was actually going to be!