Slush Puppy
Is it lunch yet?
Haven't had a bad couple of days, but have had a stinking cold and my brain's not working very well, so the food diary has been abandoned as I just can't remember what I've actually eaten by the end of the day - although I know I've avoided the syns!!! Yesterday I had a third of a doughnut, though (approx 4 syns)!
Today: Porridge (HExB) with agave (0.5 syns)
2 x tea with 1/2 sugar and one with one sugar (1.5)
Lunch: uncle ben's rice (3 syns)
Dinner: pasta. cheese (HExA) and Quorn sausages (2) (3 syns)
Choc digestive (4)
Total: 12 syns
Today: Porridge (HExB) with agave (0.5 syns)
2 x tea with 1/2 sugar and one with one sugar (1.5)
Lunch: uncle ben's rice (3 syns)
Dinner: pasta. cheese (HExA) and Quorn sausages (2) (3 syns)
Choc digestive (4)
Total: 12 syns