Hi Girlies, i am here, i havent fallen off the end of the earth!!i have secretly been here all week keeping up to date with everything hehe!
anyway, to explain my absence, i felt a bit poo last week and was starting to feel a bit like doing the diet was becoming pressurised and a chore. so i decided to take a bit off this week and not feel like i had to blog all the time (even though just being on here does give me massive help) anyway, i made a few changes for last week, firstly, i have given up my beloved million of cups a day of milky tea and have moved onto Green tea, the first few cups were a bit questionable, however, i carried on and now im a total convert!woop!! secondly, last sunday night i sat down and planned my week so i made sure that all the days i was off uni i had plenty to do and kept myself busy - i think sometimes half my problem is boredom. and i stuck to the plan almost 100%, the only blips i had were tuesday, i had an awful cold and caved and had a chicken sandwich from Mc'd for lunch with the boy and then slept allllll day! and on saturday night i went out for a friends birthday, however, i stuck to vodka diet coke all night, didnt have any takeaway afterwards and on sunday i had a shake for my breakfast and the worst my hangover food got was a homemade egg sandwich on w.meal bread for lunch, not to bad i dont recon, anyway the results showed on the scales this morning and im down a pound and so pleased
hoping for another week the same this week, October is quiet on the social front, which is sometimes a blessing becuase i dont have to worry about going out for meals and drinking etc so we shall see.
missed you all, hope you all had successful weeks - good to be back x