Snopes is good. So is Hoaxslayer. I use them when I get one of those "your computer is about to explode, tell all your friends" emails.
I find that if I tell someone that the email is a hoax they won't believe me, so I send them a Snopes or Hoaxslayer link!
Certainly brought a whole new meaning to Extra Easy though SueYes but what fun we have had saying our piece. We have learnt so much more about each other.
My motto in life has always been take the positive out of everything .
Just an old cynic like me then lol.
can we have the how many syns is it if i give him oral and swallow question now?
But does it knock you out of Ketosis? *runs and hides*
I havent seen that question for a while
1: How many Syns
2: How many calories
3: How many points
4: Will it knock me out of ketosis
A question for every diet
Apparantly not cos its protein
So Ive heard anyway - not that I really know about such things :innocent0002:
Yeah, I was only... Um... Asking.. For a friend... Who... Wondered.
Oh, anyone we know ??
Um... no. Just a curious person. Who wanted to know. I am sure you dont know them. At all. Or have any sisters with the same first name or anything. No. Certainly not.
By the way, you have very youthful skin, what products do you use?
fillymum said:I too am very sorry Judy. It is not behaviour befitting a pensioner...........
MLM led me astray.....honest !!!!