Well, I've ended up having a couple of really bad, pigging out days :-( me and my OH split up and I coped by filling my face. He left the house last night and I just cried and ate, I'm such a cliche. Feel so sad, even though I ended it with him, because he's been very inconsiderate and doesn't treat Me all that great. I'm gutted though, he's my best friend, father of my boys and we've been through so much together over the last 12 years. :-(
Not going to let this affect my weight any more though. New Me is nipping this in the bud before it derails Me any further.
Breakfast- cup of s/s milk
Lunch - jacket potato and light Philli and bacon
Dinner - half oven pizza
No money today so gotta make do lol!
Blergh. Not a good week.