Day 63 (or 9 weeks) what ever way you want to look at it lol
Another great day yesterday. 100% dieting. Things are going well. Only probably i seem to be having now, is my nails! I am changing colour on a daily basis, thank god i am working, as whilst i am there, i cant touch them. Come home and 'puff' i have changed the colour again lol this is all at a stupid hour in the morning, when i should be gone to bed!!
Got up this morning and hopped on my scales and another lb down, 16st 9lbs smiling at me. I know its still a lot of weight, but its getting lower all the time. And thats what matters, i am fixing it, nobody else can, only me. I have set myself a goal of 20lbs to lose for the month of september! And to get exercising again, foot is not too bad! Not right by no means, but a bit better. Hopefully walking wont make it worse

, i don't want to be hobbling on my holidays! Or even worse staggering, people will assume I'm drunk lol So nice gentle exercises are the key (what that will be i don't know yet!) Actually maybe today is the day to join the health/leisure centre!! Mmm thats an idea, that would solve all my problems as i will have loads of options. There are even classes one could humiliate themselves at, good thinking batman. I started this diet on 1/7/2014 maybe today is the day to start my exercise regime 1/9/2014!
Have a great day

, i intend too. (The house is so quiet, all my chicks (kids) are back at school, its kind of eerie, not a nice feeling
