Helen's Journey.

Day 78. Back from weigh in and another 4lbs gone :) so 16st 1lb. My scales this morning were 15st 12lbs same as yesterday. Usually the chemist is 2lbs more so i would have been able to tick my 16st, alas it will have to wait until next week lol also she told me to take the weekend off :)D) as i have been so good, she said i should still have a loss, it will probably be a small number though! For the wedding that is :D, i said i would see. Play it by ear as they say lol
i have been so cold of late, i don't know if that is diet related or what, but to point my hands turning blue :(
heres to another great day :) x
Couldn't add pic of my dress as I was on iPad. So here's my dress for Sunday!

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You are doing really well! I am hoping to hit the 16stones sometime in the next week - good feeling? I too started at 17st 13lbs. this is my 2nd weigh in today and the start of my 3rd week tomorrow.
Speak soon
Claire x
Day 79. Had a great day yesterday and the scales the same 15st 12lbs :) at least no going up, so thats a plus lol
Had a fab day shopping yesterday, i went with the purpose of getting a top. And had a mega splurge, it all started inside in wallis's. I was able to get into a size 16 jean, and 14 top :) After that it went down hill altogether. I bought all around me, on the plus size it was all on sale!! It was nice to be able to buy off the rack in a normal shop :) (usually i have a choice between new look and evans)
hope everyone had a great day too :)
Day 80. In a really good mood today. Was in the cash n carry, haven't been there in a month. And they all commented on me looking great :D. Had the same thing yesterday at my cleaning suppliers. She followed me out the shop and asked me was i alright. She didn't want to comment on my weight loss, in case i was sick!!! Lol i told her i was not sick that i was dieting, she said whatever i was doing to keep with it. :D all good to keep me on the straight and narrow. The scales was smiling at me this morning 15st 11lbs :). No sign of my passport :cry: Things are looking kind of bleak on that front (i am coming to terms with not going on holiday) :cry:
Work is mental this week with the racing festival on. Closed my shop at 5:30am home for 6:30am, hopped in bed, and got the call for the school run at 8:30am :eek:, we have tonight, tomorrow and saturday. Wedding on sunday (i will be needing the rest and i am so looking forward to munching)
heres to another great day :) x
80 days , 80 day - amazing. Amazing Helen. Well done, you are inspiration. :)
Glad to hear you doing so well and well done on inspector things too :) 5 form 5 ?
See you soon. Hug dear xx
Day 81. Got home from work at 7:30am. So not long had breakfast. 1st shake of the day :). Scales sts as yesterday 15st 11lbs. Seems like it is slowing down, but i suppose that is expected. I am still on it 100% which surprises me :) Work is mad busy, after this weekend it will be a lot quieter. Sunday is thr last day of the summer season :) then its back to normal. Normal hours and normal troubles lol
heres to another great day :D x
Day 1 again. Today i am back on my lipotrim journey. Had my weigh in yesterday and i stayed the same :). So heres what you have missed. Saturday i was kind of freaking out if i ate sunday, that i woukd get sick at the wedding. So i went out for my lunch! And had a small bit to eat. I was suprised in the fact that it didnt taste half as good as i thought it would. So saturday was 2 shakes and a small meal. Sunday (wedding day) i took the day off. The wedding was one of the worse days of my life. Anything that could go wrong did go wrong. Hubby and myself had words about splitting up! Eldest daughter turned the wedding into fiasco. She told anyone who asked she didnt want to be at this s**thole. (You can get the idea). Then at 11:55pm her other half (an a**hole if ever there was one) arrived and caused a scene. I spent most of the day in tears, wishing i had gone by myself. (Note to self, dont ever look forward to anything, and you wont be greatly disappointed). Monday was the official wedding (it was a groom and groom kind of wedding :)) so we were back in our clobber and then there was a mega brunch! At that point i was thinking my lot have ruined the wedding for everyone :(
so i took that day off too. Then we started our way home, all 350kms! Only to return to more s**t. With daughter and her joke of a fella. So more tears and words were said. Thankfully my OH did most of the talking on our behalf. (Daughter informed us what went down at the wedding was all MY fault!!!). So we gave another 24hrs of hardship, hubby went and saw eldest (whilst a**hole wasnt there, and they had more tears and a chat!) he felt things were a little bit better between him and her. Her and me, not so much sorted!! I am the mother from hell, a total control freak, making up stories about fella, cant cut the cord with her (his words those :mad:) and as he and now she calls me 'the fat c**t'. So i am going away on Friday to England for 10 or 11 days. I can hand on heart say i am happy to be going, by myself. My head is wrecked from it all. I informed the whole of the house, NEVER, EVER will i carry anyone to a wedding other than my partner.
Welcome back and Im sure you do just as good as you did last 80 days :)
Plus to stay the same after eating is just great news. That means you can go back to food when you get to your target :)

Everything else - you know :) hugs.

Coming to England ? Friday ?
Birmingham ? :D have time ?
Keep going hun :) you doing great and you know it. Xxx
Awwww babes sounds like some drama going on there.

Thats life and families :( really hope you figure if out with your girls n hubby. Xx

Hope you at least enjoyed the food somewhat! Back on 100% today xx

Cant blv the wedding has come and gone!! And to think i was meant to be at target by the time the wedding had arrived! Oh dearie me!
Hey Helen, What a time to come back to reading. What a weekend from hell for you :( Sending you lots of hugs and strength to get through till your mini break. 10 days away from the ballache that we call family <3 Sometimes they really do test us. You are a strong woman and you will pull through babe! Really hope you figure it all out xxx
Hez. Read about your weekend and the crap going on in your life at the moment. Sounds like a break away is exactly what you need. Fair play to you for getting back to dieting when you have so much emotional upheaval going on. Try not to let it all overwhelm you: you are a strong woman and have shown that the whole way through your journey. Stay strong girl. xx
Where are you Helen? Hope your still staying strong. We're here for you no matter what xx
I am in England. I just had to get away from it all. So I came Friday and go back on Monday! It was either that or things was heading nasty :( I am still here. Did the refeed :) and I am back eating again. (Only thing going against me at the moment is water intake - zero lol, I was never a fan anyway.) when I get back the following Monday is Portugal, if I have a passport :( (fingers crossed) x

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omg helen you poor thing. There is absolutely no excuse for a daughter to refer to her mother like that - it's outrageous. Don't ever get to a point where you're beaten down and think that's ok. I'm sure it's just a spell she is going through - I hope so anyway :)

On the plus side sounds like you're in the 15s and feeling good about yourself will definitely help.

I really hope you're ok - massive hugs my love. xx