Silver Member
thanks Lucie. Its all these small changes that help keep me on the straight and narrow. You have to be good to yourself tooWOOOP I love it when a milestone is in sight! Cant wait for you to get into the 17s! So so proud of you. Red nails always look lush, I never seem to pull them off but I'm giving it a go as we speak lol, Think they will grown on meAs for HAIR, this is soundling lovely! I think its great to treat yourself to a non food thing aswell! Well done hunny, You are an inspiration as always xxxx
Hez, doing ok again now after misbehaving at weekend. Tummy still sore so finding it tough enough to do the litres of water. I'm sure it'll settle down after another day or two. I've learned that while Bacardi might be lower carb than a bottle of beer, it's also tough going when one isn't a big drinker. Imagine learning a lesson like that at 41 years of age. Lol. Hope things are still on the up for you in terms of feelings and down in terms of weight. X
Thanks jells, i have my water down to an art. I make my shakes with 400mls, instead of 250mls that way im getting another of my 450mls of water without realising it. That way i only have just over 1500mls of water to drink. Thats actually the hardest part of my diet, all the water! Hope you feeling much better
Hez, I bet manicure and new hear color and cut will make you feel much better. I wish I could get manicure and hair done, lol Will have to wait little longer for that. You will look so amazing in sept wedding - are you sure your family will recognize you ? anyhow - keep up your good work and cant wait to hear how was your day. Hugs xx
thanks destamia. My wedding is coming around slowly, haven't got a clue what i am going to wear. I will leave it until a week or 2 before to get my outfit