Kat27 Hi Helen
Well done on your weight loss so far and the 4lb last week, that's great! Dont worry about the cocktails, if I was a teacher I would have 60 syns worth a night - you deserve them and it's not like it's every week! I had a similar half term incident involving me and the pizza hut buffet - oops! You never know you may still lose a bit or stay the same.
Your poor other half! It's easy to mistake men's illnesses for something a lot less than they are so dont feel guilty! If they sneeze they think they have pneumonia! How do you manage not to eat the treats you buy him? Id be sneaking treats as often as I could - safer not to have them in the house or I just eat them! (Im terrible!)
I have a strange fertility problem - up until 3 months ago I'd had 2 periods in almost 8 years! This was following being on the pill injection for a year after my daughter was born and they just never returned. I was tested on numerous occasions, so many times infact I began to think I was a human pin cushion as you can imagine! They could come up with one reason - unexplained infertility, which isnt a particularly helpful diagnosis. I think that even though the injection was the route cause to my problems, my weight was probably to blame aswell as when I started losing weight at the beginning of the year af appeared at long last twice but stopped again shortly afterwards. I ended up begging the nurse to put me on the 21 day pill to force a period each month because at least then I would be made to ovulate which was a start and it appears to have worked. I still have a long way to go on losing the weight but once I have my partner and I have discussed trying for a baby and fingers crossed my problems will bve eased with my weight loss. I really hope things work out for you when you try ivf again x