Step4 1200kcal Hello anyone who is still here


Silver Member
I used this site a lot previously but haven’t been here for a while and it seems very quiet now. 3 weeks ago I was at the highest weight I’ve ever been. It shocked me. Honestly Covid had a lot to do with it and I think I actually developed a mild fear of leaving the house because of it. It affected my mobility and I’m now having to use a rollator to walk around. Even with that I’m in a lot of pain. Anyway I finally decided enough was enough and rejoined cwp but because my BMI is so high I had to do step4. I couldn’t afford to do it all on shakes so I am having 800 cals a day and 2 shakes and honestly I’m finding it ok so far. I do struggle with the water sometimes but the sunshine helps with that. I really want to get more active and get out of the house more as I think I came perilously close to being bed bound and that was a bit of a shock. I’ve lost 1st 6 so far and can’t wait to start reaching my goals. I’m going to be posting here more often as I find it helps to write things down. Hoping someone else will be here as I found this site really supportive before.
The cwp website doesn’t have that many recipes and a lot of them are things my kids won’t eat. Anyone have any good ideas for step 4 meals ?
I think once you start losing more weight you will feel alot more confident to be more active.
Welcome back. It's a great site, I don't know how it's been so forgotten about. Maybe it doesn't appear high in Google searches
Hi, yep very quiet. Though I have been inactive for 5 months. Sorry to hear your mobility has reduced
Hello! I’ve used this site before and found it really useful but does seem quiet. First time doing Cambridge but doing well so far