Hello everyone

Hey that's good! How did you make the mousse?

Well today is Day Five and I woke up without a headache. Hooray! Also feel loads more energetic but that could be cos I've had a very satisfying poo at last. Sorry if that's TMI. :D

Made a banana muffin this morning for brekkie and like the chocolate and coffee ones it was delicious. I almost think brekkie is becoming my favourite meal of the day.

My dilemma du jour is whether I can get away with a skinny cappuccino at Costas. I love my cappuccinos. They have taken the place of smoking in my list of addictive vices. I know in carb terms having a regular cappo (and obviously without the chocolate on top which doesn't bother me) would actually be better than a skinny one. Problem is I actually prefer skinny ones.

Any thoughts welcome! I've googled the carb content of a small cappo and it comes out at 5.7. But I don't know if this is including the chocolate sprinkles which I won't have.

Really can't believe I'm agonising over this. Jesus - I need to get a life.
I just put the powder into a cup and added a little cold water and mixed with a fork. Not sure how much water I put in as I just kept adding a little at a time until the consistency looked about right. I'm going to do the same with the strawberry this morning.
Still got the headache but I'm not that hungry, just think that I should have the shake/mousse soon anyway.
Can't help with the cappo question I'm afraid as I only drink black coffee.
Keep up the good work :)
Thanks Dietkitty - will try it! Hope your headache goes soon. Mine lasted about 36 hours in all. But completely gone today. Still blinking hungry though. :sigh:
I am in the pink today! Hooray!! Had almost given up hope. Chocolate muffin for breakfast, vegetable soup for lunch, which was gorgeous. Still really motivated. If only one could bottle that initial feeling of motivation and sell it. You'd be a gazillionaire.

Fizzy water is my salvation. I love it. When my imagination is really in overdrive mode I can almost pretend it's champagne.

I said almost.
Yay, welcome to Ketoland lol.
You have given me an idea. When all around me are eating curry tonight and I'm on vegie soup, I will put my fizzy water in a wine glass and pretend :)
I haven't been able to drink as much today as my son was in hospital for an op this morning, but I'm trying to catch up by pouring in it this afternoon.
Keep up the good work x
Hey Dietkitty is your son ok? I have had a lifetime of children (plural - sadly) in hospital so I know how horribly stressful it can be, and hats off to you if you've managed to stay on the straight and narrow diet-wise throughout. Did the champagne imagery work?!

Well, ridiculous as it sounds, I have lost 9lbs in my first week on Exante. 9lbs!!!! I say ridiculous cos I'm a lifelong dieter so metabolism is shot. I'm also not morbidly obese or anything - just a couple of stones overweight. So I'm completely gobsmacked. In a nice way!

Will continue doing the same this week and just see what happens. That's the plan anyway. Of course life gets in the way sometimes being half term an' all! But I have a weekend at Center Parc with friends the weekend after next. Would very much like to be a few pounds lighter again for that. Of course the weekend away is going to be a complete nightmare. I knew that when I started Exante. But there never is a 'perfect' time to do a VLCD which is why I just got on with it.

I will probably put on a few pounds which I can deal with. What I won't enjoy - if I come out of ketosis which is highly likely - is going through that first horrible week again. But at least I know now it works! Knowledge is power!

Hope everyone else is getting the results they want.
Thank you all for your support! Buoyed up with my 9lb weight loss (still can't get over that... I'm nearly 50 for heaven's sake... big weight losses don't happen to me...) I managed to buy son a delicious looking lunch whilst out with him today without even being tempted to indulge myself. What a massive difference to one's motivation when the weightloss is tangible, rather than the usual half a pound a week if you're lucky...
Hope you don't mind me dropping by from the other side, but I did say I would keep tabs on your progress! Yayyyy to 9lbs, that's a great loss - bloomin' 'eck, at my rate of progress that's a good 12 weeks work in 1 ! I envy the loss but not the suffering that went along with it for the first couple of days or so! Well done on sticking through it and fingers crossed for another good loss next week, my friend :)
Hey Ozzie, me old mucker! Nice of you to drop by. Well yes obviously I can conclude from my first week's loss that I'll be losing a regular 9lbs a week which will mean I will have disappeared in 18 weeks' time. Some people, I suspect, might consider that a cause for celebration. :D
All the best sorus!
I'm on day 3 and feel okay! Just focused on my first week weigh in on Sunday and not going to get weighed before!

Everyone is lovely on this forum and I'm really enjoying being part of it

Hey Sorus! Thought I'd cross the divide and come say hi :)
Congrats on your losses! Looks like you've swapped the truck for a shiny convertible, eh? Keep on breakin the speed limit! x
Hey - nice to hear from you CyberRuby! I've been reading your updates too - glad the foot is on the mend.

Sandyblack I hope you managed your first weekend ok!

Well today is my 2nd weigh in and I've lost another 2lbs. I'm thrilled with that cos that's eleven pounds in 2 weeks and I'm now in new weight territory. ie territory I haven't been in for years. I'm actually now just under eleven and a half stone which is a pretty amazing feeling. I would so love to get to under eleven. I know the weightloss'll be much slower now - partly cos I've got loads of social things on for a start, over the next few weeks.

Did a 15 mile walk for charity yesterday - fab btw - and, unbelievably, I spurned the piles and piles of free homemade cakes and creamy, jammy scones at the end and tucked into a chocolate shake 'muffin' that I'd brought with me instead. Believe me I really didn't feel deprived! It tasted just like a yummy chocolate cake cos it had been squidged in my rucksuck the previous few hours. I think the squidging improved it. :D

I am going to relax the reins a bit when I'm away (starting this weekend) but it is fantastic to know that I can do this anytime. I enjoy my soups for lunch and my muffins for breakfast. I take bars (or more muffins) out with me when I'm walking or just generally away from home for a meal and it seems to work well. I really, really love the toffee and raisin bars.

Staying mentally in The Zone is of course the hard part. I'm in it now - I really want to stay in it for as long as I can. Thankfully my OH is also doing this and going to Centre Parcs at the weekend so hopefully we can try and be a little bit sensible together without the others thinking we're totally boring and weird....
Goodluck on your exante challenge and well done on the weight you have lost so far! I am staring exante as soon as my packs arrive which will hopefully be tomorrow! :D
Good luck Dreaming2010. Love the name btw! As an Exante veteran of ooooh, a whole 12 days now my advice would be just grin and bear the first 4 days, take painkillers for the headaches and have lots of distractions up your sleeve! After that it's a piece of cake. So to speak. :)
Actually that's rubbish! I'm on day 16! Blimey - time really does fly when you're enjoying yourself. :rolleyes: