Hello from Norfolk, UK

You said you had started running. Are you doing the couch to 5k?
I‘m not doing couch to 5k but doing similar. Running for as long as I can then walking to catch my breath before running again 😊 It must be doing something - I lost 3.5 pounds this week.
How are you getting on?
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I‘m not doing couch to 5k but doing similar. Running for as long as I can then walking to catch my breath before running again 😊 It must be doing something - I lost 3.5 pounds this week.
How are you getting on?
That is absolutely fabulous! Well done! I have lost 2lb this week. My joints hurt if I try to jog so I am walking. I'd love to do the couch to 5k when I lose more weight.
@tjoc123 Awsome job on your loss!
cant jog myself either. Mucked my knee up real bad a few years ago and never got it checked out long story.
still gives me bother, gives out sometimes and clicks and cracks when I walk still.
dosent hurts anymore unless I really push it.
feels like it would twist or snap if I tried to run.
I thinks I need a good knee brace support before I try jog but waiting to see if I can get it looked at once this lockdown is over.

walking is still nice though was in the woods earlier today and they made a walking path so that was nice in a way. No twisting my ankle cause I don’t have combat boots anymore


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@tjoc123 Awsome job on your loss!
cant jog myself either. Mucked my knee up real bad a few years ago and never got it checked out long story.
still gives me bother, gives out sometimes and clicks and cracks when I walk still.
dosent hurts anymore unless I really push it.
feels like it would twist or snap if I tried to run.
I thinks I need a good knee brace support before I try jog but waiting to see if I can get it looked at once this lockdown is over.

walking is still nice though was in the woods earlier today and they made a walking path so that was nice in a way. No twisting my ankle cause I don’t have combat boots anymore
I really don't know what I am doing with regards to this forum. I accidentally deleted the previous post and downloaded a tracker that I don't know how to adjust.
Thank you 😊 You have done fab too! Running is giving me sore knees and hips! I’m having a day in between off and walking to the beach and using the rowing machine on those days. I woke up aching all over this morning though, even my fingers.. Think I over did it!

Have you tried any online exercise videos? The NHS site has some good ones
Thank you 😊 You have done fab too! Running is giving me sore knees and hips! I’m having a day in between off and walking to the beach and using the rowing machine on those days. I woke up aching all over this morning though, even my fingers.. Think I over did it!

Have you tried any online exercise videos? The NHS site has some good ones
No I haven't. I am enjoying walking at the moment. Caister beach is often my view, so lovely in this nice weather.
Thank you 😊 You have done fab too! Running is giving me sore knees and hips! I’m having a day in between off and walking to the beach and using the rowing machine on those days. I woke up aching all over this morning though, even my fingers.. Think I over did it!

Have you tried any online exercise videos? The NHS site has some good ones
So I am not seeing the results I want so I had a little jog yesterday (I followed week 1 on couch to 5k), I thought I had to challenge myself a bit. Hopefully it has the desired effect, I hope to go tomorrow too.
How are you doing? x
So I am not seeing the results I want so I had a little jog yesterday (I followed week 1 on couch to 5k), I thought I had to challenge myself a bit. Hopefully it has the desired effect, I hope to go tomorrow too.
How are you doing? x
They do say jogging is fab for boosting weight loss don’t they? Did you manage to go again today? My knees were getting sore so I’ve given them a break and been for walks along Gorleston seafront and have used the rowing machine a few times this week. Had a go on my husbands exercise bike this evening and now my bum hurts from the seat more than my legs hurt from they effort 😂 I have moved my weigh day from Sunday to Monday so looking forward to seeing how I’ve done x x
They do say jogging is fab for boosting weight loss don’t they? Did you manage to go again today? My knees were getting sore so I’ve given them a break and been for walks along Gorleston seafront and have used the rowing machine a few times this week. Had a go on my husbands exercise bike this evening and now my bum hurts from the seat more than my legs hurt from they effort 😂 I have moved my weigh day from Sunday to Monday so looking forward to seeing how I’ve done x x
I have done a couple of week 2 runs now too. This morning it was windy though.
I weighed today to find out I have stayed the same, disappointed in that but I have lost 3cm off waist this week.
Do you know how I could privately DM you?
Sorry for butting in on your post. Well done on the loss on your waist- it will catch up on the scales next week I’m sure.
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