Total Solution Hello! I'm Ruth and I'm a carboholic.....

Hmmm, the drinking.
I've been hanging like Pat Butcher's earring all day up until about an hour ago. It all started so well, I'm not a spirit drinker so I thought it need to be handled with respect. The sun was shining, another neighbour had unexpectedly called round and we thought Bacardi and Coke Zero? Why not?
And so the madness began.
I had 2 drinks with neighbour 1, we said our goodbyes and I went around to neighbour 2 (GP) other ladies were already there and so I had another, and another, and another, and another (can you see a pattern forming?) well, it was so easy. I stopped tasting the bacardi bit of the drink and so when its boiling hot you just get a bit carried away don't you? Well I did.
I think I got home about 11.45.
I woke up this morning thinking that during the night someone must have got me up and then stood on my shoulders and then bent over to smash a couple of ice picks into my eye sockets. Or I had a brain injury from some terrible blunt trauma to the back of the head. I couldn't work out which it was because everything hurt so much. Then I remembered the B word. Great waves of nausea began to engulf me but I couldn't move my head. Even my eyelashes were painful.
Then Pia came in the bedroom and then the puppy Bijou was there on the bed licking my fevered brow .... And then I think I lost consciousness.
I resurfaced about 10.30. It was horrible.
I'm. Never. Drinking. Again.
you poor poor thing. Bloody gym equipment is not ment to actually used is it? I thought it was just a very expensive to hang clothes on.
You've obviously got the right idea about alcohol, avoid it until you can eat preferably a bit more than 600 calories before you start.
Good luck on your quest, you know you can do it!
Haha jmc I did exactly the same thing this week! Massive scab on my knee. Wasn't concentrating and just went down! Hurts like a b****!
Oooh Cherrypie, I know how you feel, my knees look even worse now, a week later, there are two huge scabs on each knee surrounded by pale green bruises, and I've got a wedding where I have to wear a dress with the hem line that stops where the ugly knees start! I will need some pretty big skin coloured plasters, and they will still look bad. the worst thing is that I don't want to admit how I did it to friends and family, he he, I will have to bribe my hubby not to tell. I've been using a treadmill for four years and never done that before. I'm surprised there aren't lots of people walking around with scabby knees, like a playground full of kiddies! Oh well I've had a bad weekend filled with crisps and chocolate again, but no alcohol, this is my new challenge, to cut out crisps and chocolate in the week and only a little on Friday and Saturday! Hope your knee is feeling better.
Well after a weekend off plan (alcohol & food) followed by a delayed hangover scoffing day today I am officially on it 100% tomorrow..shake/bar/soup!! Good luck everyone!! X