Hello motivation! Jade's Diary . .

Hello, just wanted to let you know that there's a new diary section at the top of the page that I asked Pierce to create so we can put all of our diaries all together in one section to make things easier to find. If you PM Pierce he'll move yours for you :)
Thanks Claire! Oh and I am sure by now you have an answer Lyns but basically in the Induction phase of Atkins because of the low carbohydrate content your body uses its glycogen stores first (as if eating a mixed diet) and then starts burning fat for energy which is what ketosis is. If you are in fat burning mode then the ATP (energy) cycle has a different by-product than it would if you were eating carbs which is ketones.
thanks a lot Jade, thats really helpful, yes i finally managed to get hold of the book at WHsmiths that i had to order an im not reading through it. Thanks for ur help x