Hello Nicola, sorry you're having 'hormone problems' this week

, that's the good thing about being my age! I lost 3lb this week and was so excited you'd have thought I'd won the lottery lol Do you like those Muller Light yogurts with a sprinkling of chocolate? I've found if I add either a mandarin orange or a few strawberries cut up to one of these, it satisfies my sweet and chocolate cravings. Of course, nothing can compare to the lemon drizzle cake eh? Make some sw lemon curd to go on top and its a cake made in heaven lol

I don't know what happened to my posts yesterday but it looks as though one of them was printed about 4 times !!!!!! Good luck with the rest of this week.....you're doing so well sweetie, don't trip up but if you do, get straight back on track the next day