oh honey. try not to worry about it so much. i think a lot of it will be psychological. you haven't really been able to eat much for a long time, so now that you can you WANT IT ALL. i doubt you are physically hungry all the time, just psychologically hungry. i thought i was starving all the time when i was on cambridge. and then i started eating again and realised that it hadn't been physical hunger, but my brain trying to convince me that i was hungry because i wanted things, and i couldn't tell the difference at the time. is your tummy rumbling all the time?
mention it to your doc in any case, i'm sure they'll be able to help you. you are doing fabulously, and you know i think you look fabulous just as you are and will look stunning in this dress!! take a little pressure off yourself. you are doing amazingly well, you are still having a drink or two, you are eating lovely food. you have just stopped filling your body with crap. and the quicker you get on top of it the quicker it will drop off. you've only just got your scales so you don't know how well you've done so far. for all you know you're shedding lbs like crazy!!
are you drinking plenty of water?
abz xx