Hi there..
I have been looking at this site for the past few days and have found it very inspirational everyone on here has my upmost respect!
I have always been a very athletic person, never used to have any weight problems, but back in 2008 I injured my knee playing football and have not been able to play sport since.. The next thing I know I am 21 stone and feel and look terrible. Due to playing sports every day I never used to pay attention to my diet and it has caught up with me now. :break_diet:
I got the idea to join slimming world from my mother as I am in uni and poor, so this seems to be the best choice for me as it is foods that can be bought cheap and are easy to make with my-shall we say.. limited cooking skills. Im sort of doing this myself, and just taking her advice as she has all of the books and stuff, and not going to any of the weigh ins/classes..
Im going to try and lose 6 stone, im really committed and reading these forums are helping me stay strong
See you around..
I have been looking at this site for the past few days and have found it very inspirational everyone on here has my upmost respect!
I have always been a very athletic person, never used to have any weight problems, but back in 2008 I injured my knee playing football and have not been able to play sport since.. The next thing I know I am 21 stone and feel and look terrible. Due to playing sports every day I never used to pay attention to my diet and it has caught up with me now. :break_diet:
I got the idea to join slimming world from my mother as I am in uni and poor, so this seems to be the best choice for me as it is foods that can be bought cheap and are easy to make with my-shall we say.. limited cooking skills. Im sort of doing this myself, and just taking her advice as she has all of the books and stuff, and not going to any of the weigh ins/classes..
Im going to try and lose 6 stone, im really committed and reading these forums are helping me stay strong
See you around..