Love Barb xxxxx
May 17th 2011 - The fight back to health.:

May to December 2011 28lbs lost.
Weight gained between December 2011-March 2012 = 9lbs

March 26th - Back with a vengeance!
New day for weigh-ins- Mondays.
Start weight 15.11 :sigh:
April 2nd - 1lb lost = 15.10

April 9th - 2lbs lost = 15.8

April 16th -1lb lost = 15.7

April 23rd - STS = 15.7 = acceptable!
The Return! Monday 1st July 2013 - start weight - 16.7 Ouch!
Another return! June 1st 2020 fresh start.
June 3rd - minus 2lbs
June 6th - minus 2lbs
June 9th - minus 1lb
June 12th - minus 1lb