Help me out, please!


Mooshing back
I meet my best friend every couple of weeks for a meal or hot drink. We're meeting next weekend (28th) for a drink and I just wondered what I can order! She doesn't know what I'm doing, she isn't very supportive as she is trying to lose weight too but doesn't stick to anything, if that makes sense. She's already cross that I won't meet for a meal, we go to a wetherspoons so pub food, I thought that would be too much after 2 weeks on S+S.

So we'll meet in Costa. I don't know what I could order! I don't drink coffee, I usually go for a fruit smoothie type thing or a caramel cream thing. She won't stay if I just order water, it will piss her off so I should order.... black tea? Is that my only option? I only drink hot drinks with her!
hmmm its a hard one hun .. Id go for black tea personally, and id bring along my sweetener and pop a few in. Or even just have a tea with milk. We have an allowance of milk during the day so just make sure you dont have any other milk in the day (eg. with shakes or porridge)
Oh thanks thats right! I bought sweetners this week, and I don't use any milk for shakes as I don't buy it! Thats good, I can look completely normal!
yeah id agree with aisha, black tea and take your sweeteners, id maybe put a bar in my bag just incase she tries to get you to have a muffin or summat. That way she can still ahve one while you eat your bar ot half of it.
Thanks to both of you! Yes a bar's a great idea, I could pop it into a bag or something so she can't see the wrapper! Seems silly but she's sensitive and trying to lose weight for her wedding.... which is actually my weightloss goal-post, I want to look good for her wedding!
Why won't she stay if you buy a bottle of water?! Don't compromise yourself, your diet and your commitment to yourself because of someone who won't even stay with you if you drink something she doesn't want you to drink. Having said that the idea of having your mik in your tea is a good one!
Why won't she stay if you buy a bottle of water?! Don't compromise yourself, your diet and your commitment to yourself because of someone who won't even stay with you if you drink something she doesn't want you to drink. Having said that the idea of having your mik in your tea is a good one!

I just know that right now, as a bride-to-be she is prickly and I don't want to annoy her! It's the fact that it's weight-related, she says she is trying to lose but.... well, we don't talk about my own weightloss journey. I don't have many friends, in fact I have 3 friends so I don't want to lose one!
:D .. Hope it goes ok for u, and i hope ur friend becomes more supportive because thats what friends are for! To support one another!
I'd go for black tea but then I drink that anyway :). Maybe you'd prefer something like Earl Grey (my favorite) than one of the stronger teas?

I'd also go with the advice and take a bar - the truffa one. That way you're munching a chocolate bar and saying you're on a diet and she'll be thinking, "yeah right, some diet"! :)
I'd go for black tea but then I drink that anyway :). Maybe you'd prefer something like Earl Grey (my favorite) than one of the stronger teas?

I'd also go with the advice and take a bar - the truffa one. That way you're munching a chocolate bar and saying you're on a diet and she'll be thinking, "yeah right, some diet"! :)

I like that, having blatent choc! But then in my mind I'll be about 8st when I meet her so I think she'll notice (ok, that was tongue in cheek, it's next week but I have lost a stone since I last saw her!)

I didn't even know there were different types of tea! I bought the cheapest box of teabags, ASDA own I think at 30p or something, when I moved in here and have used 2 bags. This week! For variety:D
:D .. Hope it goes ok for u, and i hope ur friend becomes more supportive because thats what friends are for! To support one another!

I know without the wedding coming up she would be more supportive- but i do know what its like, when someone is losing weight and you want to too....
I feel for you - my best friend is slim so has no idea how I feel about things and is really unsupportive of what she sees as 'faddy diets' - No way could I discuss it with her and as a result we are probably having a bit of a break from each other at the moment. Its sad but there you go. xx
I feel for you - my best friend is slim so has no idea how I feel about things and is really unsupportive of what she sees as 'faddy diets' - No way could I discuss it with her and as a result we are probably having a bit of a break from each other at the moment. Its sad but there you go. xx

It's a shame isn't it. My sisters are the same, wouldn't understand if I explained for hours! Both effortlessly slim of course.... But my friend, she's not huge but she wants to lose weight. Maybe 3 stone overweight but a lot taller than me, carries it off! But she won't stick to anything and just can't support someone who is trying to. I had the same with another friend, we dieted at the same time (live far apart so just discussed on phone etc) and in the end I was losing more than her- same diet, same classes but I was sticking to it and she cheated. She told me not to mention it ever again! I haven't spoken to her in a long time, she was so pissed off at me I felt guilty!
I sympathise MiniM but WHEN (soon) you are feeling lots better about yourself, you won't give a stuff about people who aren't supportive! You need non-judgemental, supportive friends on this path. Actually, you have a fair few here in the virtual coffee shop!