Help needed for 1st day......

I had pad Thai for lunch in the end and it did make a nice change. Today I had leftover meatballs from last night and it was really nice.

I'm not sure really about referendum tbh. Like you, all I hear is petty name calling everytime the politicians talk about it - not enough information about the issue. Not too long now til we find out what will happen is it? September I think!?

How's your day been today? X
I had pad Thai for lunch in the end and it did make a nice change. Today I had leftover meatballs from last night and it was really nice.

I'm not sure really about referendum tbh. Like you, all I hear is petty name calling everytime the politicians talk about it - not enough information about the issue. Not too long now til we find out what will happen is it? September I think!?

How's your day been today? X

i've never tried that - pad thai...what's it like?

yep, we vote sept 18th...there will no doubt be riots no matter which way it goes.
big canvassing push here now so lots of bumf thru the door this morning. i just don't know...i really do see pros and cons for both and wish they would just be clear what impact it's going to have on everyone!

my day's been ok thanks, not left the house so i've behaved myself today lol. no doubt facing a gain at WI tomorrow after a few meals off plan this week but hey'll be explained and i've had a nice time with my boy :)

what about's things?x
Hello hun. Pad Thai is a noodle dish with stir fried vegetables. It has lots of soy sauce and thick, flat noodles. The veg is usually spring onion, bean sprouts, carrots and that kind of thing. It also usually has an egg in (like egg fried rice) and some places have ground nuts to sprinkle on top as well. It's not spicy but really flavourful. Give it a there are SW versions you can make.

My weekend was a bit up and down food wise but I have still managed another half pound loss. I'm really going for it this week to try and get a bigger loss. So far so good food wise.

How is your week so far?
Well done on the loss chick! :)

I'm still off so it's been half arsed for me this week...just can't really be bothered but once the routines are back, it should be better

Not much happening at this end...just trying to get organised for school starting etc.

That Thai pad sounds ok...not sure if it would be my cup of tea tho

How are things at your end?x

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Things are all good with me. Had a flexi night last night and stuck to what I had planned food wise - and even had less syns drink wise than I had allowed for so happy with that.

My sister is not coming to group Monday as she goes on holiday but she got weighed today and lost 3lb!!! So she now has her stone award :) so happy for her.

This week in group we are having a syn free buffet so I'm making korma marinated chicken skewers. Hoping there are leftovers so I can have it for lunch hahaha.

How have you been the last few days? X
They've been lazy! Lol...not done much this week, only had 3 days on plan properly and didn't go to class but if I'm honest, I'm not fussed?!
I'm starting to crave a decent meal with some veg etc so I'm sure I'll sort myself out once things are back to a routine and I'm back to work etc!

Great news for your sister and well done you for enjoying yourself and behaving too ;)

I just made oat "biscuits" with cinnamon and ginger...they were nice for a wee change and really quick and easy :) x

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Ooh that looks tasty. I made a SW fry up for dinner but was still hungry so had a mug shot afterwards which seems to have done the trick!

I'm in a strop at the moment as I was happily dozing on the sofa and now bf has come home with his mate and kicked me off the sofa so they can watch the football.

Grrr! Why can't they go to the bloody pub to watch the football!! Normally I would hate him spending all afternoon in the pub but right now I just wish he would p-ss off back there! Lol

(It is beside the point that I need to start getting myself up and ready in about 5 mins!!!)
Ooh that looks tasty. I made a SW fry up for dinner but was still hungry so had a mug shot afterwards which seems to have done the trick! I'm in a strop at the moment as I was happily dozing on the sofa and now bf has come home with his mate and kicked me off the sofa so they can watch the football. Grrr! Why can't they go to the bloody pub to watch the football!! Normally I would hate him spending all afternoon in the pub but right now I just wish he would p-ss off back there! Lol (It is beside the point that I need to start getting myself up and ready in about 5 mins!!!) absolutely is not the point...pests!

We went to the carvery for dinner tonight...I needed some veg in me so a much better choice compared to a few I've made this week!

What did you do the rest of the day? You out your strop now ;) lol x

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Strop didn't last long as I went out with my friends. I had allowed 20 syns on drink but only had 7.5 before we went out. Then had one vodka diet coke (2.5) in the pub and a cocktail (prob a fair few!!) so was happy with that in all honesty. But then we got macdonalds on the way home so blew it lol.

Today I'm sticking to plan and have had a bacon sandwich (syns for butter and ketchup) and wil be having bangers and mash for dinner with veg.

I've made some ice cream so hoping that turns out ok so I can try some later - will let you know how I get on!!! :)

What's your plans today?
Ooh how are you doing the ice cream?
I don't think your night was too bad at could've been a whooooole lot worse! And you're getting back on it today which is great! ;)

No plans for today, I attempted to make magic pancakes again this morning...failed again??!! I dunno why I can't seem to make them successfully? lol

Ended up with a cinnamon "crepe" which was code for sweetened omelette lol, had it with strawberries, blueberries and banana and a drizzle of syrup...was ok :) x

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Pretty looking plate hun :)

You mix flavoured yoghurt with fat free natural yoghurt and then add sweetener and vanilla essence. Then put it in the freezer and mix it up every half an hour or so (tedious!!!!). I used coconut Greek muller light (0.5 each) and added desiccated coconut as well (4.5) to give it extra flavour. It's still freezing at the moment and it tastes ok as far as I can tell :) the whole tub will be 5.5 syns so I'll have some with choc sauce after dinner and see what it is like :) I'll send you a pic!!
Pretty looking plate hun :) You mix flavoured yoghurt with fat free natural yoghurt and then add sweetener and vanilla essence. Then put it in the freezer and mix it up every half an hour or so (tedious!!!!). I used coconut Greek muller light (0.5 each) and added desiccated coconut as well (4.5) to give it extra flavour. It's still freezing at the moment and it tastes ok as far as I can tell :) the whole tub will be 5.5 syns so I'll have some with choc sauce after dinner and see what it is like :) I'll send you a pic!!

Sounds nice? Rochelle posted on IG a mousse she had using cottage cheese and jelly crystals I think..she's made it a couple of times over the last wee while...might give it a go?

How's your day been?x

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Well it over froze in the end I think. Tastes more like coconut sorbet but actually it isn't too bad. I'll eat it but prob won't make it very often again lol. More hassle than it is worth. Think I would rather freeze some fruit and blitz it into sorbet :)

Trying out a carbonara recipe from the SW website tonight for dinner. It says 1 syn but I think that is for Parmesan and I haven't had all of my hexa just yet so I won't syn it :)

What's on your menu tonight?
Lost 1lb! So 6.5 total for me now. Just hoping to get that half stone next week as I'm off on holiday after that!

How ru?

well done!
what have you been up to...anything exciting??

i'm ok thanks, had a better week this week and starting to feel better for it today, i faced WI after my 3 weeks of pi$$ing about and had put 5.5lbs on!!!
was awol after that but have been good all week so hoping for either a STS tomorrow or even a wee loss??

took me weeks to lose 6.5 and not so long to put 5.5 back on! lol
easier now i'm back to work tho...x